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Il BuonO

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Everything posted by Il BuonO

  1. Sending Irvin down was inexcusable. He was pitching pretty well in the rotation, for that matter, when they moved him to the pen. I’d rather see him start a game than Kremer right now. But sending him down while keeping Fujinami and Lopez was a mistake.
  2. I’m not a fan of set roles in the pen. However, Wells has closed before and looked good last night. Flaherty has pitched in some big games with the Cardinals. Either of them is preferable to Cano. Cano in spot duty vs RHB. And get rid of Fujinami and Lopez, they’re awful. Bullpen fixed.
  3. Not to mention his subpar defense. I mean, not like he’s Gold Glover or anything.
  4. I don’t know if I believe he only threw eight pitches. He usually does that with one guy. And I’m not sad he’s outta there.
  5. The clown show is in town with a big can of gasoline to start a raging fire. I swear he must have the dark secrets on Hyde.
  6. I see the sparkling analysis in the game thread hasn’t changed much in my time away.
  7. Based on what exactly? You’re one of the more informed voices here, but this, in fact, sounds specious. I mean, Dr Andrews first came up with the idea of pitch counts for kids. For a 17 year old it’s 105 pitches. I’ve seen kids continually overused so some coach can receive praise. So, pitch counts for kids whose bodies are still developing makes sense, but you know what makes more sense? Proper mechanics. If pitch counts work (I’m including relievers because the idea they’re overused is relative to pitches thrown) why is there a continual amount of pitching injuries? I’d argue that mechanics far and away are responsible for the number of pitching injuries we still see. If you don’t want to push the envelope of how many days in a row a reliever is used or how many pitches a starter can throw in any particular game, where’s the bar set? To me it’s an arbitrary number that has been ingrained in most, if not all, managers (probably with guidelines from their respective front offices). And there is little evidence to support it’s working.
  8. So, going back to Sunday Perez threw a third of an inning (5 pitches), two thirds on Monday (8 pitches), and third again yesterday (10 pitches). Does anyone besides Hyde think that he was overworked? He’s been one of the best out of the pen in the second half. That along with Hyde bringing in Cano last night and Fujinami today is a head scratcher.
  9. Elias got him on the roster. Hyde makes decisions on the field.
  10. Verdugo hasn’t had a “badder”? defensive series in RF according to Brown. Or, worse.
  11. Was Westburg hurt? Someone in another thread said something to that effect.
  12. I didn’t like the move. They had big lead at the time 12-6, (7th inning). Westburg is a better defender and was having a big night offensively after not exactly tearing the cover off the ball until this past week. Felt like Hyde was “getting Frazier into a game” he thought was won. But who knows?
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