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Il BuonO

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Il BuonO last won the day on December 3 2017

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About Il BuonO

  • Birthday 07/11/1964

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  • Location
    Georgetown, TX
  • Interests
    My daughters and baseball.
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    Real Estate/Customer Service
  • Favorite Current Oriole
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  1. Il BuonO

    Kevin Brown

    The lowest of bars.
  2. Holliday heads up a deal for Skubal. In or out?
  3. I would have made that play in HS.
  4. You’re joking right? He broke in on a ball that was hit almost right at him. It was a terrible read. Period. Full stop.
  5. The 99% catch probability says otherwise.
  6. I expect them to have a chance to win every game, just like I do every time they play. I know it's an impossibility, but they're good enough to have a chance. This series? They take two of three.
  7. For the life of me I can't figure out why so many here keep pushing to see them trade for Crochet. For a guy who may not even be available come playoff time he sure has a ton of support around here.
  8. And he'd be fine, but I wonder if Bassitt could be acquired no matter what the company line may be.
  9. Exactly. There's really no reason to pass on a guy like this. Who knows what the spending parameters are for new ownership, though? I'd like to think this guy means it when he leads with "....it's a new chapter in Orioles baseball," and backs it up with an acquisition or two which surprises people.
  10. I can think of 29 other teams.
  11. Bassitt may be above their limits, but I'd support the move.
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