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Il BuonO

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Everything posted by Il BuonO

  1. All-star play right there, proving me wrong. ?
  2. What, no Pedro? He shouldn’t even be allowed on the ballot.
  3. Absolutely. Wth is he grinning about after he grounded into a DP? “And they’re paying me almost two million....”Severino after grounding into an inning ending DP.
  4. This is where Pedro earns that $1.8, right?
  5. If you ain’t cheatin’, you ain’t trying?
  6. Well, let’s see if RM makes up for his error here.
  7. Huh? Actually, even if you don’t count AR, Sisco is an upgrade defensively compared w/ Severino. Pretty sure you’ve said as much in the past.
  8. Kremer looks to have settled in and they’ll take him out. Makes perfect sense. ?
  9. His GGs used drive me absolutely nuts. There was always someone better defensively.
  10. Yeah, well, I for one will miss the added offense of Severino’s bat that totally masks his infrequent mistakes on defense. Said no one ever.
  11. Yes, and the pitchers probably feel the same way. The 0-2 pitch slapped into left is a perfect example of a pitch which should be out of the zone. But Kremer, who needs to trust his stuff, likely has a hard time doing that when he sees the difficulty Severino has to block almost anything without having the runner advance.
  12. Strange, because those first seven starts looked promising. He’s been anything but since then. Tough sledding when you can’t locate. Bullpen? Otherwise, it’s tough watching him right now.
  13. Just thinking that. Wynns is cat-like back there, too. After blocking the ball he quickly gets to it, checking the runner as he does.
  14. JP: “....(in the old days) Earl Weaver would have a BP guy up- Garcaeu (cutting in.... always is, right?): -just to get you nervous, right? JP: No.... if you didn’t start pitchin’ better he’d go to the BP, I mean.... Yeah, really like the managers who try to make their pitchers nervous by getting the bull pen ready. ??
  15. Doing it all....crap! Garceau just said the same thing. Lopez gets through it....
  16. This is a big moment for Lopez. They haven’t scores many runs for him this year and he seems to have relaxed here a bit. Will he bear down or fall apart? The back to back hours may have woken him up.
  17. You brought up coaches. I was talking more about their process and development people.
  18. Yes. I can find something to enjoy in every game I watch and that’s not easily said when you’re an Orioles fan.
  19. Nah, personality conflicts. Weren’t they? Eh, they’re on the right track. Coaches like bullpen pieces are largely interchangeable. ?
  20. Absolutely this. I’ve long admired how they get the most out of what they have and keep it going from year to year for the most part. Need to hire away their people.
  21. Yes....beautiful swing and extension.
  22. I expect him back at some point. I still like his stuff. But as I stated before, his confidence looks shaken. He needs to rediscover command of the CU. Means is the only sure thing in the rotation, so there should be plenty of opportunity.
  23. Ah, yes. Because established pitchers never have high pitch counts. Well, you nailed it.
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