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Il BuonO

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Everything posted by Il BuonO

  1. The Judge-less Yankees should be a win.
  2. Yeah, I scouted him when he was in HS and he was a man amongst boys. He’s my dark horse and a guy I could see making a difference.
  3. Sure, they can have Santander and Cowser for Ober, Gray or Lopez. Any one of them makes the rotation better. I still like Giolito as a dark horse, though.
  4. It’s no different than any game called by Brown. Radio is probably worse because of the inherent need to describe more of the action. A license to talk for a guy who hasn’t found a cultural reference he doesn’t like to talk about, now including musicals.
  5. Total control and guarantees of future payroll flies in the face of the history of current ownership. It’s not possible while the Angelos family has control.
  6. I didn’t ask for old posts, but it sounds like you’re in line with what I’ve always thought related to any perceived power Elias has.
  7. I said from the outset of this season that Gunnar should play his best defensive position and that’s SS. That alignment should be what they roll with for the remainder. Frazier has no business taking time from anyone and Mateo is a defensive specialist at best.
  8. Not me and where do you get the idea he had assurances? You have some evidence to support that? I think he may have, may have been told he holds the reins, but what difference does that make if the guy signing checks isn’t on board. I don’t think Elias is the end-all, be-all, but the Angelos family is bad for baseball and John isn’t much better than the old man.
  9. I agree and he’s valuable just as a defensive asset.
  10. This. Exactly what I said when he was hired. As long as an Angelos is in charge there won’t be much trust.
  11. I can’t believe Hyde brings Perez into a one run game with runners on. Not near my first choice.
  12. Boom! Right away. IF there is a 10th inning, Brown?
  13. Still not sold on Perez this season, but short on options today.
  14. Not a fan of the Frazier signing, but that last AB is just a great job of hitting with two strikes.
  15. I’m thinking being compared to The Kid might be a good thing.
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