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Il BuonO

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Everything posted by Il BuonO

  1. Are you watching on MLB.tv? If you don’t refresh I’m gonna ruin a lot of moments for you.
  2. Yes, great eye, but he could stand to be slightly more aggressive.
  3. Bah, they had opportunities and didn’t capitalize. Also, pitchers not going deep into games isn’t a recent trend, it’s been happening for a while.
  4. No better time to trade him. I love the guy and he’s certainly getting hot right now, but he’s also increasing his trade value at an exponential rate the way he’s hitting.
  5. One thing is for sure, Urias certainly had a better arm than Mountcastle.
  6. I’ll question because it seems like Santander and Stowers both have logged time at 1B. Why not either of them?
  7. https://www.baseball-reference.com/players/g/garvest01.shtml
  8. I’ve never thought of him as more than a mid rotation guy. Heavily dependent on the success of his CH. Without it he’s mediocre.
  9. Brown said first time since ‘74 or ‘75? I can’t remember because half the time I try to time him out.
  10. He knows baseball! I’m happy to have someone who knows the game and doesn’t pretend to be a cultural host, if you will.
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