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Everything posted by Surhoffan17

  1. Yet they bloop hits like crazy....baseball is a funny game!
  2. Sometimes you hit into bad luck and then completely just stop hitting like us today!
  3. Does Kevin Pillar have a .1000 avg against us? Good God we can never get him out.
  4. Ok, we've drawn a few walks and hit a few hard the last few innings.
  5. Like the bullpen analysis! These are the things I try to think of before each game.
  6. Looked like it to me. Also, that was on a changeup, so good throw by Pedro.
  7. Garceau learned to pronounce "Aguilar" and not call him Aguilara!
  8. Should be safe. But bad decision by Hays either way.
  9. Well, my take on our future is that it boils down to three "main" things happening. Without them, we won't be competitive for a while. And these three items are fairly obvious: 1) DL Hall develops into a no. 1 or 2 starter (not just reaches the majors or is another Matusz, Gausman, etc.) 2) Grayson Rodriguez same as above. 3) Adley Rutschmann turns into a potent middle of the lineup guy. I know some on here are down on him, but it could happen. No. 1 and 2 are the most important because quite simply good pitching will beat good hitting. Everything outside of these three would help, but these are three that we most need. We do have some flexibility out of our OF/1B/DH types. Not all have to develop because there is some depth and not all of our prospects have to be great, many can just be serviceable. IF (always the key word) GrayRod and DL Hall are true no. 1 and 2 starters (asking a lot I know), then ideally Means is your number 3 and then any two out of Kremer, Akin, Zimmerman, Lowther, Sedlock, K Smith, Wells could round out the rotation. As someone else said, some of those guys could wind up being good relievers since that is common for failed starting pitchers. I am a little surprised at the overall negativity when one of the publications has us at no. 5 in organizational rankings. I know it remains to be seen if that is accurate, but presumably these publications know more about our system than most anyone on here.
  10. At least we made up for a rough inning by coming back and going out 1-2-3.
  11. He looked good in LF last year, but man, what a horrible afternoon.
  12. The next pitch looked worse than the one he called a ball! Unbelievable!
  13. It's amazing how much different Cedric looks since he was sent to the alternate camp last year. He is such a different player.
  14. So, they don't count the run that scored on Valdez as an ER, right? Since he had a runner on 2nd just because of the extra innings rules? I only ask because Yahoo (which is garbage when it comes to stats) showed the run as earned.
  15. I agree....I still don't see where Mancini sustained the tag.
  16. Let's see what Means can do. Can he be a future 3/4/5 with GrayRod and DL Hall taking the one and two spots?
  17. Probably more getting a LHB. Urias and Valaika are at or below replacement level. Not that Ruiz isn't at the same level.
  18. Not going to watch till anthem is over....that's all I'll say on the subject.
  19. Nice movement on that change up!
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