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Everything posted by CynBeth

  1. Oh no he is going to come in and give up a 3 run HR.
  2. I don’t have a good feeling about this.
  3. Thank you! We had an amazing trip which was extended a few days due to a flight cancellation but it felt great to be back home.
  4. Hi everyone! Hope all is well. I had been away but kept track of our O’s while gone.
  5. Oh no here comes the jinxed extra innings with the ghost runner on 2nd.
  6. I had voted every day just about since the first phase began for all of our players the first time I felt many deserve it in a long time. It is a shame if Adley does not get to start after leading the original vote.
  7. My family and I always say when watching games on tv and we are away it’s great to see O’s fans traveling but we don’t want to become obnoxious like when certain other teams visit our stadium.
  8. Nice strikeout to end the game and great noise from our fans!
  9. I agree have a bad feeling about this. I had a meeting turned it back on and saw we almost blew it.
  10. I thought so it sounded like when Hicks hit the HR there was a lot of cheering.
  11. It is one of my reverse jinx things which a lot of times works.
  12. We just have to hope we don’t give it right back.
  13. Oh no hope he is not becoming obnoxious like Jose Bautista.
  14. I wish they could have kept Coloumbe in he was doing well. I take it back they will hit a 3 run HR.
  15. Freaking knew that was going to happen with those balls that should have been caught allowing extra outs. This is going to be a long losing steak don’t see us winning against Tampa.
  16. We always seem to have issues with the Cubs and prior to this year most teams from the central division in the AL and NL.
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