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Everything posted by CynBeth

  1. Elias needs to be in the booth a little bit every day.
  2. They should have made Odor an honorary coach for the day.
  3. I just did a Google search and it said he is getting a day off and is on the bench.
  4. In my opinion our guys with long hair are better than ones on other teams.
  5. I see my being in my meeting and not watching did not help. I have a bad feeling we are in for a long losing streak.
  6. We get Kevin and Jim! I won’t get to watch much have a meeting for one of the groups I am in hope that brings them better luck.
  7. We were at the Maryland State Fair and saw a lot of people wearing O’s shirts and hats only a few for the Ravens. I had kept tabs on the score and unfortunately came home and saw Baker blow it. I feel so bad for Voth he pitched well. I did not think we would win coming in but sounds like we had a chance and squandered chances. I would not have put Baker should have been Perez.
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