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Everything posted by CynBeth

  1. They should have made Odor an honorary coach for the day.
  2. I just did a Google search and it said he is getting a day off and is on the bench.
  3. In my opinion our guys with long hair are better than ones on other teams.
  4. I see my being in my meeting and not watching did not help. I have a bad feeling we are in for a long losing streak.
  5. We get Kevin and Jim! I won’t get to watch much have a meeting for one of the groups I am in hope that brings them better luck.
  6. We were at the Maryland State Fair and saw a lot of people wearing O’s shirts and hats only a few for the Ravens. I had kept tabs on the score and unfortunately came home and saw Baker blow it. I feel so bad for Voth he pitched well. I did not think we would win coming in but sounds like we had a chance and squandered chances. I would not have put Baker should have been Perez.
  7. Thanks so much for sharing the article and all you have done for our country and O’s fans!
  8. OMG another great pitching performance! I can’t believe we won the series.
  9. Hope that bad reversal of the call and now the double is not the shift in momentum their way.
  10. I thought he got his hand in before the tag. The cheaters get the call in their favor.
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