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Everything posted by ArtVanDelay

  1. Meh, I wouldn’t call 7 baserunners in 4.1 pretty damn good. Strider’s 10 Ks and 4 baserunners in 5 against our elite lineup was pretty damn good.
  2. The game threads are always 90% negative unless the O’s have a big lead. It’s a place to vent. There’s not much rational discussion going on here.
  3. Need a shutdown inning from Bradish here. 0-2 knock for Olson
  4. Disappointing result but great AB by Gunnar. Just an incredible CU.
  5. He’s definitely not fast. https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/leaderboard/sprint_speed?min_season=2023&max_season=2023&position=2&team=&min=10
  6. Best fastball in baseball. https://www.fangraphs.com/leaders.aspx?pos=all&stats=pit&lg=all&qual=100&type=36&season=2023&month=0&season1=2022&ind=0&team=0&rost=0&age=0&filter=&players=0&startdate=2022-01-01&enddate=2023-12-31&sort=4,d
  7. The dude in the sports clips commercials is definitely a perv
  8. Jason Benetti has cerebral palsy, pretty impressive to overcome that. He’s got the golden pipes
  9. I like my first baseman to be the size of a Left Tackle. Bring back Calvin Pickering.
  10. I just checked MLB TV and tonight’s game is listed. I don’t think it would be on there if they weren’t showing it.
  11. Can’t believe people downvoted a classic Roy Firestone reverse jinx thread.
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