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Everything posted by FlaO'sFan

  1. O'Hearn can hit the ball hard. You can tell by the sound of the ball off the bat.
  2. Nice inning. We would have gone crazy, though, if that ball on the inside corner to Adley were called a ball for one of our pitchers.
  3. Pulled up running to first. Possible quad injury.
  4. I never knew that about Al Bumbry, glad they talked about it.
  5. I guess I shouldn't have laughed at that Bad News Bears Yankees video yesterday.
  6. Didn't Schoop take money up front from some company for a certain percentage of his career earnings? I wonder who won on that deal.
  7. No Melanie today, Kevin is back. I was halfway looking forward to the comedic relief.
  8. Throw these uniforms away. Are there any consequences for not wearing them?
  9. Hell of a play, though, by LF catching that ball to right.
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