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Everything posted by FlaO'sFan

  1. Imo pitching control is something you either have or you don't. If Hall hasn't found it yet he most probably never will and will be what he is now moving forward.
  2. Hall was lucky there. Some borderline calls went his way.
  3. My opinion based on my eyes and nothing else since Gunnar has been up tells me to stick him at 3rd and leave him there. That's just a gut feeling that long term third is where he belongs, but some of the arguments for him at SS are certainly persuasive, and he has looked good there in limited action. Where he plays in the field next season is going to be one of the more interesting story lines all off-season and ST.
  4. Random funny baseball moment.
  5. Mullins makes sure we don't have to worry about a no-hitter.
  6. Didn't see a thread. Wish I was at Camden for a Gunnar T-Shirt.
  7. Watching Gunnar the next couple of years is going to be joyful.
  8. Does anyone else have MLB TV, as I do, and been having blurred streaming that comes and goes. It just happened to me several times that bottom half of the inning (as well as several times the last 2 or 3 O's games) and I am wondering if it is the feed or my computer.
  9. I hated the short left field porch before, but I don't like the change they made either. Why was it so hard to just put a nice mlb average fence in place? It's just an ugly gimmicky part of the stadium to me now.
  10. I'm renaming my cat to Adley since my kids are too old.
  11. I am, I am. that's why I muissed the FB game, I only saw the score.
  12. Nice! If we can't get 1 run in here we don't deserve to win.
  13. How in hell did the Ravens give up 28 points in the 4th to lose that game?
  14. Great play by Mateo but it looked like a tie to me at first.
  15. How did Bichette not have time to get back to first?
  16. Yeah, our program has fallen off so much I have a hard time even wanting to watch that game now. It's just brutal.
  17. My mlb.com feed tonight is way behind. Adley just stepping in the plate for me and you guys are all Hell yes a double...lol
  18. I think you are right, Frobby. Reading that thread it seems familiar to me. I had not heard of that kind of deal before with a player and I remember trying to think of all the possibilities and how it might work out for both the company and the player. Looking back, and seeing how it was only 10% for almost 5 mill up front, I think it was a deal without much risk for Jonathan (unless he became an absolute superstar), especially if he needed the money then. Thanks for linking that, it was indeed fun to read.
  19. Thanks, those numbers make much more sense and ring a bell with me now. I think the 90-100 mill was a number that other posters on the Baltimore Sun O's board (that I posted on back then) were throwing around for maybe the high end of his earning potential. At the time I always wondered how it would turn out for Jonathan but had forgotten about it for awhile now, so I appreciate the information.
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