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Bill Swaggerty

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Everything posted by Bill Swaggerty

  1. That's a possibility, but I think the reshuffle will be quite complex. It's really hard to know just how this will all shake out. It's also been mentioned that MLB would like to contract the minors again in the next five years, getting down to just 90 teams at 3 levels.
  2. I understand, but with Frederick possibly being taken out of the mix of affiliated team locations, the problem kind of solves itself. The decision is taken out of the Orioles' hands.
  3. I don't really see a scenario where the Orioles leave Frederick and the Nats move in. Frederick has been mentioned as a retraction candidate, not because the Orioles want to leave the city, but because the ballpark is sub-par. The park is owned by the city, so making improvements has been like pulling teeth. The playing field is poor and the locker rooms / training facilities are antiquated.
  4. Frankly, I'm cool with just about all of this. Hunter is a pro, but struck me as little bit too much of a salesman or an actor. I always thought he was a less annoying version of Michael Reghi. I like Kevin Brown. He has the low-key delivery and a dry humor that reminds me of Joe Angel and, to a lesser extent, Mike Flanagan. I don't mind having some new faces (voices) in the mix as well. Maybe these younger folks will embrace analytics a bit more. I don't want guys telling about RBI when we all know that the people running the team have moved past the old-school stuff.
  5. The Orioles are exactly as bad as was expected. Wins and losses don't matter this year.
  6. We might not find out why, but Davis got pulled from the game.
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