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Posts posted by OnlyOneOriole

  1. Just now, baltfan said:

    He is naturally wirey. He also got rid of the beard which makes him look thinner. 

    True on the beard haha.  I used to have a long beard and my wife tells me the same. 


    But judging from his arms and upper body?  He looks like he has lost a good 10-15 pounds to me. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Aristotelian said:

    Would you do Holliday?

    There is no way in H E 1 1 that I would trade JH for Miller.

    It almost seems twilight zonish stuff that someone suggested this. 

    The NUMBER ONE  prospect in the game for a reliever who has been performing at a collegiate and pro level from fair and middling to this year very good.  But he has never been a 'can't miss' prospect like JH.

    This is why so many social media influencers get mega money from simps.  People LOVE to fixate on the next best thing.




  3. Cowser looks to me like he has lost a lot of weight since Spring training and early in the season.   He looks very skinny to me.


    Not sure if he has been sick or this is being done on purpose.  But normally when an athlete loses weight it is not a good thing.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Gurgi said:

    Was he ever shaking his pitching arm?  We really need for him to not be injured.  If Bradish goes down I can see the Orioles nearing desperate places.  Maybe selling one or multiple prospects for a starter.  

    Anything to avoid that would be good.

    Yeah I was watching for that and never saw it.  He just looked in a bad spot mentally. 


    Bio rhythms were 0/10. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, emmett16 said:

    He’s cooked.  

    Yup.   I know the feeling.  Some days it just isn't your day.  Bradish had nothing.  Velocity was still good so not too worried.  

    You can usually feel it when you wake up.   Everything is off. 

    Funny how 'cooked' has become a word that all the social media influencers are using lately.  I watch a lot of you tube golf videos and one of my favorites is Taco Golf (he is from New Zealand) and Luke Kwon...who is American.  But both have Korean heritage.  Anyway last year they started to use the word 'cooked' when they hit a shot that ended up in a terrible spot and I remember thinking it was odd that they were using that because I hadn't see that word used since I was a kid.


  6. Big fan of JM.   Even as bad as he was late last year I always thought he was an asset.


    Very happy to see him hitting better, and his fielding has never been better.  He looks like a savant out there.

  7. 5 hours ago, LGOrioles said:

    If they’re sticking with Kimbrel as the closer it almost makes more sense to get 2 strong set up guys to strengthen the bridge to the 9th (and fill in for closing duties as needed too). 

    Posted this in another thread, but Hunter Harvey would be a great add because he has no discernible splits (unlike the other RH leverage guys, Cano and Webb). Other than that, Fernando Cruz, Yimi Garcia, and Erceg would also be good adds. 


    Harvey I agree.  He would be a perfect target and not cost a ton.

  8. 5 hours ago, Three Run Homer said:

    I wouldn't trade for Eric Fedde now, but would be a good target closer to the deadline if their starting pitching depth looks suspect.   

    Kopech would be a good setup arm to get, but the O's top priority has to be an established, top-tier closer.   Kopech doesn't qualify as that, and I'm not sure Kenley Jansen qualifies any more.  Helsley would definitely qualify but the Cardinals look more likely to be buyers than sellers at the deadline.  Mason Miller would take a king's ransom but he might be worth it.  

    2 of Millers last 4 appearances have......not been good.  I would not be trading a kings ransom for him.

    Maybe a Prince's ransom.


    4 runs, 4 walks, and 4 hits allowed in 2 separate innings. 


    May 30 @TB Reg - 2.0  1 2 1 3 4 1 2.08 0.88 .149
    May 28 @TB Reg SV 1.0 1 0 0 1 2 0 1.88 0.79 .148
    May 25 HOU Reg SV 1.0 0 0 0 0 3 0 1.96 0.74 .143
    May 23 COL Reg - 1.2  3  5  3 1 1 0 2.05 0.77 .149
    • Thanks 1
  9. 2 hours ago, Phil Beckett said:

    I’m still wondering why we have one of the leagues lowest payrolls.


    Doesn’t make sense.

    It isn't fair to the new ownership to blame the low payroll on them.  They have only been in charge for what.....2 months?


    PA never spent money on vets the last few years and they have a bunch of young guys who don't need to be paid right now.


    Give it a year or 2 and if nothing changes than I think it is fair to complain. 

  10. Something seems off with GH the past week or so.  Everyone has a slump but he seems to be playing without the energy and spark like he usually has.

    Not sure if it is a personal issue, he is sick/injured, or something else but hope he comes out of this funk soon. 

  11. The fact that 25 of the last 40 or so posts since last Thursday ITT are about me, and not JH?

    Is astounding to me.   I really live rent free and full time in so many of your minds.  Pretty comical actually.

    Get a life people.  This is a Jackson Holiday thread.   Even if you have to talk about me, and I don't know why you would, but if you do can you at least try and include JH into the post?

    Management would be appreciative I am sure. 

    Don't talk about me and I won't talk about me.  It really is that simple. 


  12. This may be the only website in the world where someone as unimportant AND TERRIBLE professionally as Thyago Vieira, as a complete JAG as ever been a JAG, can garner a 31 page thread talking about.....Thyago Vieira.


    Who in the hell cares?  I don't get it. 

  13. 9 minutes ago, Dibbs31 said:

    Cowser has got to catch that ball

    Reminded me of the play with JH earlier this year.  If I am Hyde I tell every infielder if you have to run out into the outfield and try and catch a ball backwards?  

    Let the outfielder try and make the catch every time.  

    This should be baseball 101.

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