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Posts posted by backdoorslider

  1. 1 minute ago, Can_of_corn said:

    Oh you're a vet?

    Served four years honorably in the US Army?

    Guess what?

    I'm a vet.

    Served two enlistments honorably in the US Army.

    Guess what I did?



    You've just moved up one notch in my book.

  2. Just now, Can_of_corn said:

    Oh really?

    OK, educate me.

    Find me actual evidence to support your claim.

    I'll start with this google search of "lineup order doesn't matter".


    We support our claims here.  If you aren't willing to do the work you'll just end up on /ignore lists.


    Lineup optimization matters. I know this because I watch the games and I'm not a nerd. You can't take the soul out of everything. Numbers don't mean everything. There are intangibles that matter. For the record, I am a veteran. Served 4 years honorably in the US Army. And I've been watching baseball for a long time. I understand what's going on here.

    • Confused 1
  3. 8 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

    You are incorrect.  Lineup construction has little impact on average runs scored.

    You might want to work on increasing your overall knowledge of the game if you want to post here.



    Improve your brain. It does matter. 

    • Downvote 1
  4. 1 minute ago, MCO'sFan said:

    That's what a troll would say. I don't take trolling serious enough to be annoyed by it. I just call it out. You act like he has wasted the last five years of his life by not trying to learn to locate his fastball. I think many people have pointed out that your premise is flawed. If it was easy anyone could do it. 

    We were drafted #11 overall? No we weren't. If I could throw 93 on the black I'd be pitching in the MLB right now, but I can't. Rodriguez is an MLB pitcher. He needs to spot the fastball at the knees, consistently. It's literally his job.

  5. Just now, Moose Milligan said:

    Clearly he wasn't because all a 30 pack of Keystone Light is gonna do is make you have to take a giant leak.  It's practically water.  He should have spent the same amount or a few bucks more for something that actually tastes good with a higher alcohol content...that way you can get drunk quicker, not drink AS much and not have to run to the bathroom every 10 minutes after you've taken your first squirt of the afternoon.


    Dude, it started in the morning, not the afternoon.

  6. 1 minute ago, Moose Milligan said:

    Your dad should have been jailed for child abuse.  Not for giving you beer, but for giving you Keystone Light.  Wtf.  

    That was during the early 2000s and you could get a 30 pack for for like $14 back then. My dad was all about maximum efficiency when it came to his beer purchasing and consumption.

    • Haha 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Moose Milligan said:

    I think it picks up steam until it's being recognized on a national level (ESPN, Fox Sports) and it's being discussed outside of twitter, message boards like this, etc.  

    Despite the fact that I think it's juvenile and that I like it, I think at some point, the Dong Bong is gonna be put to bed due to the optics and I don't 100% disagree with it...I mean, I wouldn't give my 12 year old kid a beer bong to take to an Orioles game, but some parent out there was clearly fine with it.  But I'd also have a conversation with my kid about that and why binge drinking isn't good.  I mean, that's part of the conversation that's starting to bubble up here...I know what's good for my kid and how I want to parent, but I'm not about to tell other parents what they should and shouldn't do.  Plenty of people out there feel the need to tell others what to do.  

    But the overriding conversation that will be had is  "Are the Orioles responsible for promoting beer bongs to kids?"  The Orioles players, smartly, will use plausible deniability to wiggle out of the issue, with a wink wink because they never SAID it was a Dong Bong.  Fans came up with that nickname, and hey, if the fans want to call it that, that's fine...but we really thought it was an homage to drinking from a hose and WE call it the Homer Hose.  If you see a beer bong, well, that's your problem.

    That excuse will only get them so far.  Won't be long until someone quietly steps in and asks them to figure out another home run celebration.  I can't imagine that the Orioles front office is thrilled that a 12 year old showed up to the game yesterday with a beer bong and was rewarded for it by one of their players.

    It's awesome. My dad was giving me keystone light when I was 13. I was allowed 1 beer. Made me learn to respect moderation. 

  8. 12 minutes ago, interloper said:

    Here's something that deserves applause: letting Grayson throw nearly 100 pitches. I loved that, and it sounds like he loved it also, even though it didn't work out. He was clearly gassed around 85 pitches as his fastball was missing up consistently. But I really like letting him continue to pitch. Have to build that stamina. 


    He needs to pace himself better. Throttle it down a little bit. Stop the max effort stuff and sit at 93 and focus on location. It's all about location. Also needs to get in better shape. Should be out going for more runs. Needs to strengthen his body. Should be doing lots of pushups and pullups and leg conditioning exercises. He look soft and skinny fat.

    • Downvote 2
  9. 14 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

    They don't need pinpoint control.

    All they have to do is throw low and outside fastball after low and outside fastball.

    It's unstoppable.


    It actually is though. Anybody who consistently throws low 90s or higher at the knees and hits the outside corner and mixes in a few off speed is going to be a very good MLB starter. It is extremely difficult to hit a baseball that is well located.

  10. 2 minutes ago, deward said:

    Pinpoint control is, of course, very easily taught. As we can see with all of those pitchers on every other team who do nothing but hit the outside corner at the knees all day. It's a shame that the O's coaches are so incompetent that they can't explain or teach this simple concept.

    Might want to reconsider hyping up and drafting a pitcher very high if he cannot locate his fastball. You would think that scouts would prioritize the most important part in pitching, which is to locate your fastball at the knees on the outside corner. 

  11. Just now, Sports Guy said:

    Ehhh, I don’t think it’s a slight to Manny. I’m not saying he wasn’t a fan favorite. But I think Adley’s connection is different. He’s out there drinking and partying with the fans. Just seems a little more approachable.


    I agree. Adley is living the life. Probably the best catcher in the league and spends his days drinking beer and banging hoes. I only wish it was me.

  12. Somebody needs to teach Grayson Rodriguez how to properly pitch. If you can't locate your fastball on a consistent basis then why spend a top 5 pick on him? I know he's young and still improving, but he's been pitching for a long time. If you can't locate your fastball then why all of a sudden would he learn how? Does a basketball player all of a sudden get to the NBA and learn how to shoot?

    • Downvote 1
  13. 11 minutes ago, Moose Milligan said:

    I don't think Manny was that guy, in hindsight.  He was close, but not that guy.  


    Besides Trout, Manny has probably been the most consistently very good player of the last decade. He always plays. He always produces. Is he the type of guy to go out and put up a historically great season? No, but he's very good all the time. 

  14. 20 minutes ago, Frobby said:

    Well, you are assuming Ohtani won’t slip significantly from his 2021-22 levels.  At the moment, he shows no signs of slipping, so your assumption may well prove correct.  But it’s still a long season and unexpected things happen in baseball all the time.  So, I’m not handing out an MVP trophy on April 12.   

    Neither am I, but the people who vote already are.

  15. 19 minutes ago, Frobby said:

    I’d never say something like that 11 games into the season.  

    Hes an all star caliber pitcher and hitter. It took 62 non juiced homers and a division victory to get the nod over Ohtani. They are giving it to Ohtani this year unless somebody has a historic season again. By the way, I bet $100 on Adley to win MVP before the season started. Odds were +3000

  16. 1 minute ago, Bemorewins said:

    If Adley can continue this from the right side of the plate, (And there is no reason to think that he cannot, given his non-Major League history of being a very good hitter from both sides) he is an MVP caliber kind of player. His plate discipline is beyond elite and he is SO consistent from AB to AB and game to game!

    I know its early, but if Ohtani didnt pitch then you would have to say Adley would be a 2nd tier MVP candidate. It would be Trout and Judge as the favorites. Followed by Adley, Rodriguez and Guerrero. Hes right there and that good.

  17. 29 minutes ago, Frobby said:

    Adley is just ridiculous.  Other guys will have hot and cold spells, and maybe someone will have a career year and put up a higher OPS than he does, but Adley is as reliable and consistent as they come.  By the way, I love him in the 2 spot.  

    Right now Hays, Adley and Mountcastle are a problem sandwiched together. I like that 1-2-3 punch. I'm sure Adley likes the protection. Mullins wasnt giving him much in the way of RBI opportunities.

  18. 1 hour ago, Bemorewins said:

    There is no way Cease or any player… (not even Judge or Ohtani given costs of salary plus cheap years for young player) is worth 3 top 10 prospects.

    But I agree with the OP we are going to have to address our pitching in a seriously meaningful way if we want to win for real.

    Just think about it like this, are you confident that the Orioles can win consistently against good teams in big games if our offense is held to 3 or less runs? Because that will happen some in the playoffs when you are facing the other teams best.


    Exactly. I would go for it. I'd take a 3 year world series window followed by 5 years in the basement and rebuilding. I'd take 5 years of 100 losses for even a realistic shot at the world series.


    It's been since 1983. That is too long. 

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