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Posts posted by backdoorslider

  1. 2 hours ago, Frobby said:

    To give some idea of how WAR can fluctuate day to day, yesterday Adley was at 0.2 for the season. After his 4 for 4 with a homer, today he’s at 0.5.   


    WAR for catchers is useless. It's simply far too difficult to measure a catcher's defensive and game calling impact. There was a reason we sucked before he got here and then started winning when he arrived. We cant measure his contributions behind the plate.

  2. 2 minutes ago, deward said:

    I'm more concerned that this might be their actual philosophy. Bring in guys like Gibson and Irvin and expect the park to save them against good lineups. 


    I'd much rather run out Gibson a craft veteran who at least gives you chance to win a baseball game. Than a stuff guy like Hall coming in and having a 50 percent chance of self destructing before the 4th inning even begins. 

  3. 16 minutes ago, Going Underground said:

    Adley,Wells and Voth went to the Springsteen concert so they knew what to do with themselves.


    They play a team that lost 11-0  for two days in a row.They have the worst pitching and hitting in the majors. The schedule on paper looks a lot easier the next few weeks  


    Wow you mean a group of 25 year old guys want to have a night out? Who would have ever thought?

  4. 7 minutes ago, Pickles said:

    Off-season acquisitions of Gibson and Irvin don't suggest the Orioles are prioritizing velocity over command.  In fact, quite the opposite.

    We keep doing this though. Kevin Gausman and Jake Arrieta learned the hard way that 97 over the plate will flat out not get it done. They leave the Orioles and drop a few mph off the fastball and all of a sudden start hitting the corner and dominate baseball games. When are we going to start throwing fastballs low and away?

  5. In the MLB, hitters will time and crank 97-98. Velocity isn't enough at this level. Go ahead and blow people away at A and AA and even perhaps AAA. The 97mph fastballs over the plate doesn't cut it in the AL East. I dont care that Hall and Rodriguez can throw 98. Doesnt matter to me.

    All I'm asking for is 92-93 on the corner with movement and quality off speed. Is that too much to ask for? 

    After a while I tired of seeing Os pitchers pumping in high velocity fastballs over the heart of the plate and getting rocked.

    We should be scouting for command, not velocity. Especially with this left field wall keeping everything in the park.

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