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Roll Tide

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Roll Tide last won the day on November 24 2022

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About Roll Tide

  • Birthday 01/22/1971

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    Ravens, Orioles, Football Official, Food, Money, Traveling
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    The Mountain
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    Larry Sheets

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  1. Also … how much of his career will actually be played here.
  2. So we are +5 with 9 to go. It’s pretty close to a lock
  3. Cowser was playing CF most days because Mullins was slumping hard. The discussion was based on how we wound up with 4 AAAA players wound up on the team.
  4. Hays went before the deadline. It took me a few days of seeing Heston in LF to know he’s not a LF at Camden Yards and I’m not a professional scout. He shouldn’t have moved Hays without a replacement.
  5. No …. He traded out Hays for Eloy. If you remember Hays and Mullins were both underperforming. And I don’t care when … This is a win now competitive team. There is no excuse for having a roster that has 4 AAAA baseball players on it. And he hung on to Kimbrel too long.
  6. I never said Westburg’s injury was the Issue. We needed at least 1 OF bat. He got Eloy, Chisholm went to the Yankees for little and is a difference maker. You could see that earlier when he played us.
  7. Yep …. The early season stuff is meaningless now. This team has been mediocre or worse for too long.
  8. Yes but he had acquired either through trade or claim bad baseball players. He had other options before the deadline. If you think losing Westburg was/is the only problem you haven’t been paying attention. I was being facetious, but either way they should both be fired at seasons end. The approach is god awful.
  9. Does it really matter? Many here have been calling for Urias to be cut most of the year. Westburg’s injury sucks but instead of making real additions we were shopping in the trash can. Soto, Slater, Eloy, Rivera …. no wonder the offense sucks. The whiffs are off the charts. Anyone in the dugout who has any say in the hitting should be fired immediately and sewed for damaging our young players. Tons of regression here….i mean tons. And Gunnar , 24 errors WTF.
  10. I know …. Gotcha. Trade away Stowers & Norby for Garbage and pick up Rivera & Jiminez. And be surprised when you offense stinks.
  11. He clearly didn’t expect him to be claimed.
  12. It means he’s sucked at trading. You’re suggesting this isn’t his fault. It is … the offense has collapsed. Yes there were injuries but he traded good prospects for marginal upgrades Jiménez, Riviera , Rogers, they could’ve done just as bad on waiver wire players.
  13. Are you serious? They did a great job drafting. He’s gotten lucky picking guys off the scrap heap or waiver wire. But, most of the deadline trades have been poor both this year and last. Efflin is the only trade he clearly made the right decision on. I don’t think he deserves a pass for that.
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