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Everything posted by Tony-OH

  1. Sweet, what will we do without your crotchedy get off my lawn condescending attitude?
  2. Seriously. You sound like a Facebook page poster. Anyone say anything about playing the kids? No, they said Holliday made a crap play on an easy one. They pointed out the truth. Oh the humanity.
  3. I'm going with no, after the first defensive play of the game.
  4. Nothing like getting off to a good start. 0-for-3 with a man in scoring position and then Holliday screws up the first easy ball of the night.
  5. Hyde has to show more fire when it comes to his young players getting terrible pitch calls. Holliday alone has been rung up on pitches way off the plate. He's got to get into the umpires ear or even get tossed to show his team he's willing to fight for them. Sometimes you never know what will spark a team. All I know, its either that or get everyone in the shower and call them lollygaggers!
  6. Probably because it's the LAST 37 games we've all seen. I agree with your points overall, and the Orioles do have talent. It's just hard to watch when you see them not just get beat, but look overmatched by another good team. They have way too many guys underperforming both offensively and defensively.
  7. The Rangers were obviously the example to the point I made about getting in and getting hot at the right time. They looked unquestionably pretty bad over a long stretch of time, but then got white hot when it mattered the most. We obviously can't forget this point, but it's painful to watch a team wallow over a long stretch of time for the first time since 2021 (without looking up 2022).
  8. We have to hope that Holliday is one of those "pure hitters" that will take pitches and work counts and have good at bats because both Adley, Gunnar (to a lesser extent) and Cowser have given up that approach for the thirst for power. Mountcastle has always been an undisciplined streak hitter and that's not going to change. It's clear to me that the Orioles hitting philosophy has changed at the major league level at the very least. They've gone back to the Duquette era low OBP, power guy approach even with hitters who should have been taught better about swing decisions. I think we've also seen the issue with having data driven coaching vs experience level coaching in the minor leagues and at the major league level. The poor fundamentals and approaches are product of what players are being told. I have zero issues with adding the analytics and technology into players developments, but having guys that have been there and done that are also important.
  9. When the Orioles lose once again to the Guardians tonight, the team will now be 16-20 over their last 36 games. This is not a slump, this is team that not good in any facet of the game. What is their strength? The hitting? They hit home runs, but when they don't, they don't win because they don't get on base consistently. Their hitting philosophy is terrible. Their two hitting strategy coaches need to find new work because they have failed in their attempt to get everyone to hit home runs vs take what the pitchers give them, have good PAs, an work pitchers. The Fielding? This team has the defensive fundamentals of a local Little League team. Can't catch a pop up, can't perform a run down, and anything that seems like its hit 100 MPH+ on the infield can't be handled. The pitching? Outside of Burnes, starters can't put batters away and the the bullpen is made up of DFA guys and pitchers the Phillies didn't want basically. The Indians are a good team, but they have dominated this Orioles team. Thankfully, Elias made moves that may pay off more in 2025 because maybe he even realizes this team is going no where IF they make the playoffs. Sure, teams can get hot at the right time, and maybe some of these guys will, but they clearly did not get a boost from the trade deadline and look dead vs a good team.
  10. When you run out your DH who becomes a pumpkin every summer, you get what you get. O'Hearn is slashing .191/.305/.338/.643 coming into his 0-for night again tonight. Just like last year he disappears when it matters.
  11. This team doesn't deserve to win this game. Bad pitching, fielding and watching fastball for strikes. Just the way they are right now. Which is bad.
  12. This umpire is as bad as the Orioles right now.
  13. O Hearn becoming his August pumpkin
  14. Hey look, a good team playing good defense.
  15. Throw was garbage, but didn't matter. Cowswr needs to make that play.
  16. That is 100% Cowser's ball. Just a clown show play Ben trying to blame Mayo on that is BS. Cowser should have been calling for that. He has to catch that. This Orioles defense just sucks just like their hitting and pitching. Sick and tired of this crap.
  17. This team hits home runs or they lose. It's really that simple. Nobody just tries to break a slump by putting the ball in playmate every hitter is trying to hit hoke runs. Been like this all year. Two hitting strategy coaches and both should be fired
  18. Cleveland advanced scouting has the Orioles hitters down pat. Just absolutely brutal takes and they're down two strikes in every count
  19. I will say at some point Hyde has to take up for his young players getting absolutely awful calls.
  20. I've concluded the umpires are conspiring to destroy Holliday's confidence before he gets started. What an absolute brutal call once again.
  21. Man the Orioles are a tough team to watch against thr AL central. One hit against Carrasco in 4 innings is an embarrassment. This team has no chance against the Indisns in thr playoffs. They should refer to them as their Daddy.
  22. Thankfully Mayo's first throw was an easy one with tub of lard running.
  23. We are fans, that's what we do here in case your new to being a fan or in a game thread. Both of which I know your not. So you are letting your fan love for Kremer to addict your judgement. But anyways. Back to the game.
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