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Everything posted by scOtt

  1. Don't know about Balmer, out here 70 miles west in Wayne's Bar it's 90 degrees. "Feels like 97" It's NASTY hot!
  2. Easy times flying West. It's the West to East flight they call the "Red Eye."
  3. Still an easy day. They'll be home and in bed by 8, 9 o'clock (if they want to...) and well rested for tomorrow night's game out there.
  4. So who's ready for bulk relief? How many did Sulser pitch lat night?
  5. I am watching on TV, but I watch the lineup and stats and pitch count on Gameday.
  6. MLB Gameday is FED UP! Still showing the game 1-1, Akin responsible for the 1. But their score says 7-1. MASN says 7-1. Did Akin give up all those runs?
  7. Jesus H! I search for a picture of a car and it goes from 1-1 to 7-1?????????????????
  8. Electra Deuce and a quarters! 4 fitty five 4 barrel. Sum bitch would sh!t and git!
  9. Still trying to think of a song apropos for today's game and all I got is BS&T's Spinning Wheel. That's TOTALLY wrong!
  10. We need something musical for THIS game! 1-1 tie thru 5. My favorite kind of pitcher's duel.
  11. Don't anybody believe anything I say today... because it's probably wrong... Unless it's about music. Then it might be right.
  12. Holy crap that's close! Too close to overturn. I hope...
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