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Everything posted by scOtt

  1. Cole Sulser, he's our man! If he can't do it.... ANY BODY else in the MLs can...
  2. I don't mind the announcers at all. LOVE Ben! I just don't want to listen to the carnage. And I'm usually listening to something else on youboob.
  3. He wouldn't have hit it. Would be expecting a FB 3-2 and would have swung a foot over the top of it.
  4. Breaking ball on 3-2? Who expects that? PERFECT breaking ball...
  5. I was wondering who wrote it, kind of guessed it was Stevie. Too lazy to google it.
  6. No you never do. Nor do I. We're actually the Freedom of Music Police. Kind of.
  7. Resisting... resisting... resisting... thinking of posting THE ARCHIES!!!!! resisiting.... urge to kill fading....
  8. Was that Holt out to the mound? What is he wearing? Not even close to a uni....
  9. Just for you. Oldest piece of recorded music I know of. Bessie Smith (HUGE star and 18 year old nobody Louis Armstrong on trumpet!) 1925? 1927? 1929? I've seen all 3.
  10. Love me some Jeff Beck, but agree on Stevie. He just had that groove.
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