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Everything posted by scOtt

  1. At least we made Atlanta bring in their closer for this one. Baby steps?
  2. Palmer has been in the Orioles organization since I was 2. And I'm old.
  3. I mostly haven't been. Have the sound off when I do.
  4. I have to get away from even thinking about this, I'm REALLY out now! NYTOL!
  5. The way we've been playing, dropping infield flies, never hitting the cutoff man, who half the time isn't in the right spot anyways, NEVER hitting in the clutch, with RISP, pitching handing out HRs like Rockefeller handing out dimes to poor children. You think we're "a true talent .300 team"? I don't.
  6. No. I've had college Stats classes. The odds are still 50-50. Vegas or Fangraphs might alter it to 60-40... But it's still a coin-toss. So 20, 23, 26, 27 is still VERY possible.
  7. Ok. I see now the game is over. I'll cool my rant. NYTOL!
  8. Manfra can suck a big fat one! MAN! Someone stole my computer!!!!! But why don't you just reinstate unlimited steroids and drugs?????? If you want more offense? dumb@$$! Lower the mound to level with the plate... make the pitcher throw with his opposite hand. C'mon Rob! Show your REAL disdain for ANYTHING traditional in baseball! What do you care? You obviously never played. What difference does it make? You're just a CEO of a business.
  9. I have specifically noticed him licking his fingers a lot. Which is allowed. Only noticed because of all the hype and umps checking pitchers out after every half inning and all that crap.
  10. And that's just one mistake pitch. But he's been making a bunch of them...
  11. Man! Means has been iffy lately! HR ball killing him!
  12. I looked it up... Modern era record. We can do that!
  13. I'll ask again... what is the ML record?
  14. If they were on a girl.... they'd prolly be pretty nice. ? I have such a problem with eyes and eye color and SIZE too. Cuz guys have eyes too... And sometimes they're colored really nice...
  15. I'd love to be able to go back in time... when they were all sitting around, probably drinking.... "What are we going to call ourselves?" Hey I KNOW! TFS! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! ?
  16. The girl in the back. Not the best picture...
  17. I kinda like that. The lead singer has beautiful eyes!
  18. ? I've had trouble before trying to post a youboob addy that contains this... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=137OE5 F A G uRg
  19. I can't really even post their name... Pu**y Riot. NSFW!!!!!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oaZl12Z5P7g
  20. We could actually score some runs and tie it up! ?
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