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Everything posted by scOtt

  1. I'm mixing them up with the band that goes topless in public. Or used to... Putin prolly has then locked up. Still, I know I have some Coathangers saved....
  2. What's the ML record? I say go for that!
  3. They spelled lounge wrong. Makes me wonder if it's the uploader's mistake or on purpose.
  4. I saved all 3, because... songs. Had that crash in 2018 and lost SOOOO many files! I save EVERY SINGLE file I listen to.
  5. Who are we playing even? Atlanta? They're good, aren't they?
  6. Game threads are much more FUN when you don't even turn on the game or Gameday! ?
  7. I like Martin a lot! Cannon for an arm, and makes spectacular plays sometimes. But sometimes... he just loses focus or something...
  8. That's pretty cool, the flutes especially. Don't like as much as the GOAT tho. Giving it a chance the whole way thru, that does build to something. A peak if not a crescendo. ?
  9. The Goat? That is a jam. Funky bass. The video reminds me of the Beatles' It's All Too Much from the movie. The animated stuff. Know which I mean? I was going to post it here but it's not on youboob. I'd put up my copy but it'd prolly get taken down and I'd get a slap on the wrist. And my copy is really REALLY bad quality anyways. Like 120P. REALLY bad, barely watchable.
  10. I'll post up some music... Jason Park
  11. 15 in a row. Odds are we're due! I don't even have it turned on...
  12. You know how to turn it off? You turn off the TV. Turn off the Gameday tab. You QUIT basing your day on what time this f-ing team is playing! Just quit watching! Just quit caring. 14 in a row, 20 in a row, 50 in a row!!!!! F' 'em! I'm done!
  13. Was that Ryan Mouncastle? Actually MAKING a pretty decent play??? The HELL you say!
  14. It's good to have a dream. If Manfra really pushes this, anything even resembling a Cap.... MLBPA will walk out. I guarantee it. Just replace "Union" with "Strike" and it's perfect.
  15. Mateo has positives oozing out his pores! But he has no glove! Not even a clue!
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