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Everything posted by scOtt

  1. Obviously, Frank is the best player. But we need starters, we need pitching. Choice HAS TO BE Palmer!
  2. You're the second guy to say top heavy. I think we're still top light. Look at the the guys we've graduated... Akin, Kremer, Zimm can't stay healthy. The real power is still in AA (besides Adley now) Patience. I know I'm in the minority but I think the Bros will spend when it is time to spend. Like Patrick Swayze in Roadhouse, "you be nice... until it is time to NOT be nice."
  3. Only ONE GAME behind the Diamondbacks!!! We're making up SOOO much ground!
  4. F-in Orioles! Keep this game JUST close enough to make me keep watching and half care if we win! ?
  5. Last chance. I don't like our chances tho...
  6. We're still within a FOOL'S CHANCE of coming back in this game.
  7. Girls look so nice when they walk in them!
  8. I don't wear 'em. I couldn't even walk in them!
  9. Not a foot fetish. I just like pretty shoes. ?
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