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Everything posted by oriolediehard

  1. And the Yankees will get an extra draft pick to make them better!
  2. Has anyone ever heard a Baltimore sportscaster Jeff Reumer? He used to be a Montreal Expo Sportscaster. Any one know what happened to him?
  3. Good chance and moment for Norby!!
  4. Amen!!! I couldn't have said it any better!!!
  5. Yankees lead 3-0 with Gil pitching.
  6. Well we got paid back for that White Sox interference call!
  7. What is the point of a pitch clock when they have unknown delay?
  8. What happened to Richard's, not that tI am complaining?
  9. So far out hitters are over matched!
  10. 0-2 counts and loses the batter!! Frustrating and Yankees winning
  11. It seems like Teheran wants a MLB job. He signed minor deals with us earlier, the Mets and the Cubs. And they DF'd him. I doubt Teheran will stick around if we don't call him up to the club. Teheran doesn't want to accept he is done.
  12. If we win 17 and lose 13, that will put the nail in the coffin in any hopes in catching the Yankees, we will likely be 10 games out of 1st.
  13. I definitely want to win the division and more so that the Yankees don't win it. But the bye week may hurt the O's.
  14. We will probably win 27 of the 30 games and still lose 3 games from the 1st place Yankees.
  15. GRod would have got out of the inning. Hyde has too much confidence in our bullpen.
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