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Everything posted by BaltimoreTerp

  1. The "hegemony" is over. There can be little doubt about that. However, it isn't for the reason we expected. For years, the thought was that the Yankees and Red Sox would get too old and too overloaded with poor contracts, and their fall to the pack would even out the field for the Orioles, Jays and Rays. What has happened, though, is that instead the Rays have already risen to the level of the Yankees and Red Sox, and the Jays are positioning themselves to do the same. So while the era of the two-team AL East is over (at least for a time) it is in a way that leaves the Orioles in a worse position.
  2. When did Craig Robinson and Matthew Lillard play for the Orioles? :laughlol:
  3. Even at one-thirty in the morning...things do seem a little bit brighter, don't they?
  4. http://www.blessyouboys.com/2010/1/9/1240320/saber-101-ultimate-zone-rating UZR 101
  5. Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About... WAR BABIP OPS+ FIP wOBA WPA With more to come...
  6. I'd say they love the Sox, but isn't that the one with the ad mocking Pedroia?
  7. It's just reminding me of a mistake made by Tugg Speedman in Tropic Thunder. (Too obscure?)
  8. You're the guy who can't do a Google search, or learn new information after it's pointed out to you a week before you make the same error. We're still in glass houses territory.
  9. If Boog Powell was in that booth, he'd "talk about Boog" all night long. Brooks would "talk about Brooks". Cal would "talk about Cal". Devi Cruz would "talk about Devi Cruz". You must hate every former player that is a broadcaster, right? Because, you know, they all talk about themselves all night. And after all, that's your yardstick for announcer quality.
  10. Oh, well gee, you sure got me there. Who are you again? Why should I care what you think, especially when you can't make a decent argument and have your evidence disproved into epic-fail status? Methinks you should worry about your glass house before you start whining about others'.
  11. Embarrassing isn't using your vast knowledge and experience, both first-hand as a Hall-of-Famer and as an observer and broadcaster for two decades, to compare eras and analyze situations. One would think it would be publicly making several major factual errors, including one that was previously corrected by said public, and ham-handedly trying to make a bad argument without answering for your mistakes. But that's just my opinion.
  12. Yeah, that's the way to go here... You completely misunderstood and misrepresented a comment made by a guy most Orioles fans love, then made an incorrect assumption about another team broadcaster that a simple Google or Wikipedia search would have corrected. Stones and glass houses, my friend.
  13. I remember when ol' Jimmy first replaced the Voice of God and WBAL advertised him as Jim "Rockfish" Hunter, but that's about as close as he gets, I'm afraid.
  14. Well, I can confidently say that thanks to the well-presented and thought-out arguments by Oldfan in this thread, I have completely changed my position on Tom Davis. Now, I will no longer be able to take him seriously, and I refuse to watch MASN Saturday mornings or listen to 105.7 anytime he is on the air. If Tom Davis is of the same mind as this guy, he doesn't deserve my ear.
  15. Believe me, there's a certain poster who I believe could be him, but it isn't RShack.
  16. If it really is wrong, then why should we pay attention to this team?
  17. Sometimes I enjoy watching those guys on Saturdays. Obviously today isn't one of those days so I won't bother turning them on. And I hope someone from MASN or 105.7 sees that.
  18. I'm not following. For an individual batter, when you add RS to RBI, the only thing counted twice is a home run, which goes under both. When you subtract the number of home runs, you aren't taking all the runs from those home runs out, just one run from each, which was the batter driving himself in.
  19. Just looking at that, it seems that since a home run counts as both an RBI and a run scored, it shouldn't be counted twice in that system.
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