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Chavez Ravine

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Everything posted by Chavez Ravine

  1. Cade!!!! I love the pitch calling.
  2. Cade!!! Love the third pitch changeup to Murphy.
  3. The kid is rattled…punch him in the face again.
  4. The bottom of our order has been felling of late.
  5. Yikes. The middle of the plate is not a good place to be.
  6. Povich got two outs on 93mph fastballs middle middle. Then went offspeed out of the zone to Ozuna.
  7. Those fastballs down the chute are kinda scary.
  8. I think that one in the Trop screwed with his mojo. He has been stewing on it. The at bat he had after it was painful.
  9. Elbow is sore. Who knows at the moment? It comes after pitching two innings in a row…
  10. Johnson brushed us off his shoulder. Lordy.
  11. O’Day remembers a young Mountcastle playing shortstop behind him in a spring training game. A routine out and Mountcastle did a belly flop. O’Day complained that the kid played shortstop like an ottoman. First base ever since.
  12. Ay caramba ump! Doesn’t matter.
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