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Posts posted by Finisher

  1. 13 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

    One thing that annoys me is watching a guy like Renfrow.  He’s a good player but if you put him here, he would never become anything.  A guy like Duvernay should be able to give you everything Renfrow does and yet this team has no idea how to use or develop a player like that

    We just don't even remotely develop or maximize our receiving talent. We had Waller and did nothing with him. Even if he was sober, you know they would've wasted him. Other teams would feed Andrews, use and develop guys like Duvernay. It just doesn't happen here and Roman clearly is not the answer. They need to move on.

  2. 11 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

    I think if they stay healthy, the line will be fine although I would be lying if I said I wasn’t worried about Villanueva. This is a new position for him And we just assume he will be fine.

    Kinda shocking they were just cool with handing the position to Villanueva. I don't see him magically improving. That was seriously horrendous and you add in the Phillips injury. They'll need to trade/sign someone and I doubt there's much out there, not like teams are eager to move solid o line pieces at this point.

  3. 10 minutes ago, ArtVanDelay said:

    On the bright side, look at the schedule between weeks 3-11.  The toughest game during that time will either be the Chargers at home or Miami on the road.  All very winnable games.  This team will have time to figure things out.  There’s still a lot of talent here.

    Great so they can sneak into the playoffs and get embarrassed again. And I don't see it this year with this o line.

  4. 12 minutes ago, ArtVanDelay said:

    Lamar has been incredible tonight when you consider how bad the o line has played. 

    I mean he's a freak. Accuracy has been off but like what other QB is winning these games behind this line with Roman/Harbaugh stunting you?

  5. 8 minutes ago, Tony-OH said:

    Waller with 10 catches and a TD and Andrews with like 3 for 20. Awesome expensive TE choice.

    Imagine having Waller and doing nothing with him. Don't care how methed out he was, that was such a waste.

  6. And look what happened. What is one series going to do anyway? If Dobbins didn't play that one series his legs were going to fall off?

    Anyway, now look for them to sign Gurley or some washed up vet.

  7. Genius Harbaugh going for the meaningless preseason win streak thought it was a good idea starting starters against Washington D. This guy is such an insane moron.

    Also please no washed up vet RBs. Ty'Son Williams would do better.

    • Confused 1
  8. Zero faith in our ability to develop quality major league starting pitchers. Until a guy comes up and is consistently good I'm just assuming they will fail. Young guys will always have good stats in the lower minors and people will hitch their wagons to a few names and pencil their names into the big league rotation but .. it just basically never works out.

  9. 1 hour ago, Tony-OH said:

    ..the question really comes down to is the organization too focused on spin rates and analytics and missing the fact that pitchers need to be able to command the ball first?

    Yes. Reminds me of Buck and TTP. These guys are completely tunnel visioned and missing the obvious.


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