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Everything posted by Ruzious

  1. Pretty clever of Tate to walk the batter with a 6 run lead - in order to set up a double play.
  2. Lol, ground ball to SS, and there's nobody playing there. Man, I love Mullins... setting up Hays... and Hays coming through.
  3. Urias - best percentage of good at bats on the team? Is there such a stat?
  4. Santander pulls a homerun... after Palmer implies he should hit to the opposite field. Jim's aloud to miss one. And he's right that Santander should look more to go with the pitch.
  5. Ha, grounded to SS, and there was a SS there - what a concept! That's efficiency by Tate.
  6. Mountcastle's gonna make some plays with that 6'4 height and athleticism - just missed that one. Good job by Wells. Smart defense would have prevented the 2 runs off him.
  7. Couple of things went wrong that inning: 1. Wells got a perfect ground out to SS... but we had nobody playing SS. I don't care what shift you use, you've gotta have somebody playing close to SS. We gave them an extra base-runner and an extra out. 2. The sac fly to Mullens... we know he has a bad arm... how do our infielders not know that? Either the 2B or SS has to set up a relay throw to 2nd base. Urias makes a lame half-hearted effort, and they get runners on 2nd and 3rd. And we give away 2 runs. Awful baseball.
  8. That's definitely a question for the post-game. Just gotta laugh for now.
  9. Hopefully that walk helps Santander relax. Certainly a nice way to lead off an inning.
  10. It's such a pleasure to watch an OF with that kind of range at each position.
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