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Everything posted by Jagwar

  1. And an off day tomorrow
  2. You knew he was going to hit a soft seeing eye grounder up the middle?
  3. The last one was a little flair into CF.
  4. And that's the problem. You think a lot more of yourself than you should, and a lot more or Roy's place on the Hangout than you should. EDIT: I meant a "Lot LESS" of Roy's place... blame the wine.
  5. For balls and strikes? Are there any consequences for poor performance?
  6. I think the primary problem is that there are no consequences for a sucky umpire.
  7. You don't even realize that you are putting Roy down when you say things like this. @Roy Firestone isn't a mascot. He's Hangout royalty.
  8. 80s were great from 1980 to 1983. 1984 wasn't bad but the Tigers ruled. 1989 was Orioles Magic at it's finest. 1985 to 1988 were not very fun.
  9. I'm guessing that they have enough reliable data to evaluate. An additional question... would the umpire union approve of any evaluation system?
  10. Still don't see anything you wrote that is a single violation of OH rules that is ban-worthy. Even you, in all of your gregarious glory, have not violated any board rules. You're as cozy as a porcupine, but you don't deserve to be banned for your contentious nature. You don't like @Roy Firestone 's posts... don't click on them. or just scroll down.
  11. Just for the sake of this thread's topic, suppose Robo Ump is completely off the table, for whatever reason. How do you improve the balls/strikes calling in MLB? Have MLB use the grading system available to us online to evaluate umps when they are behind the plate. Pay umpires a per game bonus when they are behind the plate. Use the grading system to set thresholds on correct called balls/strikes that umpires have to achieve. If they fall below a certain level, they get penalized First offense is a warning Second offense they get skipped on the next rotation, missing out on the per game bonus Third offense they miss out on home plate for a month Just spitballing. How could they improve strike calling if the Robo Ump is a no go?
  12. OK then help me understand... what exactly is it that @Roy Firestone does that violates OH rules and is ban worthy?
  13. So am I reading those suggestions correctly? They think Mountcastle is either worth a Tier One Division One starter... or a Tier 2 Division 2 starter? I vote for the first
  14. So... innocently misreading a post is ban-worthy?
  15. Because we're clearly not as sharp as you
  16. Let me re-aim the question. Would you want a bullpen (other than a long reliever) full of guys who couldn't pitch back to back?
  17. Are you thinking that a team's closer shouldn't be expected to go two days in a row? That it would be ok if a pitcher expected to anchor the back of the bullpen is unavailable the day after appearing in a game? Has that ever been true of a championship caliber team?
  18. Gotta say... I certainly didn't see Mateo with an 800 OPS. Heck, I didn't think he would be 700+. Gonna be tough to take his ABs away if he stays in this range.
  19. Kimbrel is our closer. He has to be able to go back to back. If he can't, Elias has to find someone who can close games back to back, either someone already in the organization or through trade.
  20. I'm thinking another reliable shutdown reliever or two. Maybe one can be a closer to push Kimbrel to the setup role.
  21. Being used on back to back nights is more of a health thing right? Kimbrel's poor showing yesterday didn't appear to me to be about being used back to back. It seems more to me about him just not being elite anymore.
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