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Everything posted by Jagwar

  1. They must think that Duquette is still the GM.
  2. You clearly haven't been paying attention to how Roy Freaking Firestone rolls
  3. Bautista not looking sharp. Needs to find command
  4. You are Chicken Little Personified. And I love it.
  5. I have a feeling he will turn it around in April 2024
  6. Me too. A strike should be a strike. A ball should be a ball.
  7. Or he can throw a pitch off the plate and get a gift strike 3
  8. Don't use facts and logic. You'll only confuse him.
  9. He had a 0.944 WHIP in May. It was 1.65 in June, and 1.37 in July. He isn't a setup option any more. Elias needs to find a solution.
  10. He hasn't looked the same for a while now.
  11. That comes from outsized expectations on his debut, and over reactions on a possible demotion. Prospects struggle all the time. But we're in a pennant race now, and we want players who add value to stretch run. If Cowser is the guy to add value so be it, but I won't fault Elias if he goes in another direction.
  12. Demoting him to AAA does not mean that the O's are giving up on Cowser.
  13. With his current struggles at the plate, his primary value is his ability to cover CF. Once Mullins comes back that value is diminished. At that point I see no difference in giving Kjerstad a chance and letting Cowser take a breather from ML pitching.
  14. So... a struggling Cowser is somehow different from a promoted Kjerstad?
  15. I would gladly give up framing for an automatic strike zone
  16. Would love if we could add a starter and move Kremer to the BP
  17. Cowser will be fine, but once Mullins comes back it might be time to try Kjerstad
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