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Everything posted by osfan83

  1. I lived and worked in Akron for about 5 years....yes Swensons is the best!
  2. I agree with this. Hyde did nothing to make me think he is the next great manager, not that anyone could have coaxed too many more wins out of this team. He gets another year to change that perception....who knows maybe he learned a lot in 2019 and improves in his sophomore year.
  3. I don't think so...you have to have a lot of confidence and quite an ego to play professional sports. I bet he thinks there is still a shot at becoming an average to above average MLB player again. There are lots of guys hanging around the independent leagues, playing for peanuts at 27-29 years old, who never even came close to the career that Chris Davis has had, who believe they can still make it as a MLB regular.
  4. Strikeout, Home Run, Walk, repeat....
  5. Don't know about Baltimore, but here in Harrisburg, It's rained 8 straight Sundays and 7 straight Fridays.
  6. I have been getting up at 5a for work the last 20 years.
  7. 62-63 wins.....we have some guys starting the season playing for their MLB careers.....that has to count for something right? Martin/Jackson/Mullins/Rickard/Rio/Nunez These guys have been given a golden opportunity, a couple will step up and surprise.
  8. Start weeknight games at 5p, then you don't have to change a thing. Even if you miss the first hour commuting from work, you will still see the last 2 1/2 hours. I just cant stay up to 10:30 or 11p every week night to see the end of these games. Now, during O's season, I go to bed about the 7th inning, then watch the last two innings+ the next morning on the MLB App in my office.
  9. One of my great sports watching accomplishments was staying up until 4AM to watch the curling gold medal game live......very happy I did.
  10. I never liked soccer......my son (17) played little league, but never watches a game on TV, and really doesn't like going to games (maybe once a season). What he does like is watching professionals play video games and commenting on them.
  11. I understand it's part of the charm of baseball...but isn't it weird that dimensions can vary from park to park? And why only the HR wall. Why not distance from the mound to the plate....some teams make it 80 feet...some make it 40 feet. Why can't teams change the dimensions of the bases? Why can't some NFL teams make their field 120 yards? Always thought it was funny that baseball allowed different sized playing surfaces. But it also makes baseball pretty cool.
  12. Spot on! When this team gets dismantled, we will all be hoping that the new team will be as good as the 2012-2018 version of the O's!
  13. Sorry, I can't blow up a team 1 game out of a playoff spot on July 30th. The goal every season is to make the post season....if you are close you have to go for it....if you are 10 games out of a WC spot, then you sell.
  14. Well, maybe this year if we are tied for the last wildcard spot we will sell. We should always sell unless we have a 14 game lead for the division.
  15. Turn that 1-9 to 5-5 and we are in the wild card game.
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