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Everything posted by osfan83

  1. Remember Danny White of the Cowboys? Oh I see SteveA did!
  2. Exactly! What if we learn tomorrow that Delmon Young was tipped off on the pitch he hit to help beat the Tigers...does that feeling you got when Hardy beat the throw go away?
  3. Right and wrong are subjective......Is eating meat on Friday right or wrong? Is using electricity to make your life easier right or wrong?
  4. I think you are setting up for some disappointment. Money still makes a difference. I can't imagine Yankee fans are growing concerned about losing Judge when he gets too expensive. I think our upside is to have 4 or 5 years a decade where we are a contender, a couple of years of .500 ball, and 2-3 years a decade of 65-70 win seasons.
  5. I suspect the '20's will be similar to the teens. A few tough years, hopefully a few playoff run years, and then another tear down and rebuild.
  6. Please distinguish between type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Type 2 is often associated with an unhealthy lifestyle. Type 1 is an inherited auto immune disease triggered by unknown environmental factors. I sit on the Central PA JDRF board and my son is a type 1 diabetic. Type 2 the pancreas, in most cases, still makes insulin, but your body can't absorb it....type 1 your body attacks the beta cells that create insulin and kills them. Type 1 diabetics have no control over the progress of the disease and can't reverse it.
  7. This is kind of where I'm at. Yes we need to rebuild, but you have to at least pretend to want to be competitive during the rebuild. At this point I see no reason to go to or watch a game next year. Just wake me up when they are done rebuilding.
  8. My first game was in 1972 vs the RedSox....don't remember a lot but I have the program somewhere.
  9. I'm thrilled about the early start....now I can see the end of the games!
  10. I have no problem changing rules to improve play......for those against...why shouldn't managers be allowed to change pitchers mid-at bat? Strike one from a 100 MPH flame thrower, then change pitchers and get strike two from a knuckle baller. Why can't you pull your starter after 3 innings, then bring him back in for the 9th? I'm all for eliminating down time.....no more reviews, just let the eye in the sky ump radio down when a call is blown...no more mid inning pitching changes....and while we are at it, raise all HR walls by 40 feet, lets get more balls in play.
  11. I lived and worked in Akron for about 5 years....yes Swensons is the best!
  12. I agree with this. Hyde did nothing to make me think he is the next great manager, not that anyone could have coaxed too many more wins out of this team. He gets another year to change that perception....who knows maybe he learned a lot in 2019 and improves in his sophomore year.
  13. Let's get radical! - Any pitch over 93 MPH is a ball (no more max effort by pitchers) - A ball hit over the wall in fair territory on a fly is an out (no more swinging for the fences) - add an extra base to be tagged in shallow right/center (more action on the base paths) - "foul" balls that stay in play are now fair (speed on defense is now rewarded) - two strikes and you are out (speed up the game, contact hitters rewarded) These would put a lot of balls in play...lots of base runners, and fewer deep counts.
  14. It's a tough game to watch.....don't get me wrong, I'm sure if the O's were within striking distance of a playoff spot I would be glued to the TV every night. But I used to watch games from all over the league, now I can't watch a game unless the Orioles are playing. It really is beer league softball. Bet the guy next to you at the bar that the next better will walk, K or HR and you have a good shot at winning a drink.
  15. I don't think so...you have to have a lot of confidence and quite an ego to play professional sports. I bet he thinks there is still a shot at becoming an average to above average MLB player again. There are lots of guys hanging around the independent leagues, playing for peanuts at 27-29 years old, who never even came close to the career that Chris Davis has had, who believe they can still make it as a MLB regular.
  16. Baseball - O's Hockey - NY Rangers Basketball - NY Knicks Football - Cleveland Browns College - The Ohio State University Premier - Liverpool
  17. I remember all the Ballards.
  18. I know the 1999 Knicks were an 8th seed that made the finals, and lost to the Spurs
  19. But limiting the performance of 30+ year olds actually helps smaller payroll teams. Now having the ability to overpay for a 32 year old slugger has no value. If we hold peak performance to 27, then most of the players value is when teams have control before free agency. I don't want to go back to a time when the Yanks and Sox can buy every 32 year old All Star, and those players perform at peak level until they are 37.
  20. Home runs are way up this year.......Should we assume people under 30 are now flocking to the ball park and TV sets to see the next game? Is league wide attendance way up this year over 5 years ago? Are TV rating through the roof?
  21. A strike certainly won't help things. I don't see how PED's has any barring on the entertainment value of the game. Baseball's problem is generational. Other entertainment (mainly video games) have carved out some of baseballs space. BTW it's not just baseball. My 18 year old son spends time watching other people play video games, when I ask why, he says for the same reasons I watch baseball. To see the best in the world play a game that I play, but at a whole different level. To watch the best in the world compete. Baseball needs to find a way to adapt to shorter attention spans, and I'm not sure it can be done.
  22. Strikeout, Home Run, Walk, repeat....
  23. if MLB is not one company, and each team is a company unto it's self, can the Yankees decided to leave the MLB and play in a different league? If the Yankees would do just fine playing against fewer teams, maybe they form their own league, demand half of the profits of all the other teams for the privilege of playing against the Yankees.
  24. Here's how I view MLB, as 1 company with 30 different departments/divisions. So a player being able to pick where they work is somewhat like working for IBM and telling them what city you want to work in. I'm not saying players shouldn't have some freedoms on where they live, but I work for a big company and can't say "Hey Boss I'm tired of working in Harrisburg, move me to San Diego next month". Well I guess I can say it, but small chance of it happening. They Yankees can't survive unless they have competitive teams to play. Coke will be just fine if Pepsi goes belly up.....The Yankees will suffer if the Red Sox, Rays, Cubs, Dodgers and Orioles go out of business.
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