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Posts posted by AnythingO's

  1. 54 minutes ago, Baseball fandom said:

    No you are right but as of this writing it looks terrible 

    As of right now if looks that way, but the level of angst re: both ME and Rogers is uncalled for. I admit upfront I have proposed trading for Rogers for 2 years both in-season and offseason. That means nothing. Rogers was inconsistent in 2022 but was in the starting rotation in 2023 and did OK until he had a Lat injury that cost him the rest of 2023. I view GRod's injury through that lens, but I digress. Rogers lat injury was to his non-pitching side. Rogers has a short stride that I believe hurts his top end velocity and leaves him unbalanced in follow thru, again IMHO and I am not any kind of guru. I believe someone else here has commented on that as well. I'm not sure if they can fix that or if that will give him back the velo of 2022 or not but IF THEY CAN, he is a live arm with 2 years of control and left handed with obvious implications for Walltimore,. Fimgers crossed for the end of 2023 but hopeful for the next 2 years.

    • Upvote 1
  2. Kjerstad.

    Cowser, because Hyde won't give him regular PT as well as his off speed issues, will struggle and get sent down. HK will come up hot and his bat will cement his position in the regular lineup. One of O'Hearn, Santa, or Mounty will stumble and free up the ABs.

  3. 4 hours ago, Frobby said:

    Cowser seems like he’s turning into the exact opposite of the type of player I thought we was when we drafted him.   He swings and misses a lot but has impressive power when he gets hold of one.  

    Didn't they rework his swing to get to his power? I don't think Cowser has settled into what player he will become yet, high average vs power. He still as a great eye to draw walks but can he hit heat and offspeed?

  4. 6 minutes ago, RZNJ said:

    BTW, it’s nice to get a pick in the 30-35 range but I think people are a little too hung up on it’s importance.

    Agreed, but if you hold him until end of August you preserve the ROY for 2025 and potential pick as well as gaining the extra year of control. By then DR will be in control and "could" make extending JH a signature move with a 8-9 year contract. I can dream.

  5. 13 minutes ago, RZNJ said:

    It’s not really a paper mache excuse.  I think I posted yesterday that he was 2 for 14 with 9 strikeouts against LHP and he did look a little off against them.  Having said that, they could have easily semi platooned him while he adjusted, which I think he was already doing.   Technically, they are right, that he’s not fully baked.   

    While I agree that JH is not fully baked, sending him down because he isn't ready to face MLB lefties is weak because he won't face them in AAA either, hence my paper mache comment. I think he needs more AAA seasoning defensively at 2B and just more PAs to get him rolling before coming up to stay. I wouldn't be surprised if he gets the Gunner treatment this year to preserve ROY status next year.

  6. 7 hours ago, Gurgi said:

    But maybe there is an unofficial blackballing thing going on with him.  Like Bonds and Canseco said happened to them.   

    But that would imply "COLLUSION" which we have been ASSURED was NEVER a thing, lol. I think a certain other SP looking for a 2-yr contract AND a guarantee of SP may also "say" me too!! 

    FTR I don't care about Bauer OR his personal life choices, you play with fire you are likely to get burned. IF, and it's a BIG IF, he could be put on a NO INTERVIEW, NO SOCIAL MEDIA exposure (no pun), etc restriction legally, I would be OK with a MLB minimum contract (with performance clauses (no pun) to see if he can still get MLB hitters out. The second he mouths off, acts out, causes trouble in the clubhouse, any other reservation thinkable, his ass is gone, as in don't let the door hit you in the A$$. He will NEVER be a redemption case that could be a marketable story unless he can exercise a level of self control he has never demonstrated before.

  7. 17 minutes ago, forphase1 said:

    I'm sold.   Holliday at 2nd, Gunnar SS, Mayo 3rd, Westburg super utility spelling at 2nd/3rd as needed,  all 4 sharing starts through the week.   Mateo/Urias off the roster.   Make it happen.   

    I agree re: the infield rotation but keep Mateo as backup SS and CF so no 5th OF is needed. Move Urias and O'Hearn, Hicks is gone already. Lets you keep both Kjerstad and Cowser in a similar 4-man OF rotation

    • Upvote 1
  8. 18 minutes ago, Just Regular said:

    Westburg if he thrives might create a tougher role to crack for Mayo than he had to make it into the starting lineup, when he became established at mostly Urias' expense at the end of last year.

    If we are very lucky Elias may even be able to find a relief upgrade, even if something less impactful than Tanner Scott in reverse later this spring.

    You can trade my Westy when you can pry him from my cold, dead hands. Mayo needs to replace Mounty-O'Hearn ABs. Why do we still believe Mounty can overcome his lack of selectivity on low ad away? Why do we believe O'Hearn has found it at 30 yrs old when he faded in second half? Santa can play 1B respectably. Mayo needs to learn.

  9. 2 hours ago, Billy F-Face3 said:

    Good info. Thanks RZ. I was especially wondering about Mateo in CF and Jackson vs LHP.  You also just relieved a little bit of my anxiety towards Kjerstad. Before reading your post, I was just thinking to myself that he seems to have fallen behind Stowers and Cowser in the competition for a potential roster spot.

    OK, I'm a HK homer, but before today CC had 4 SO in 8 ABs to go with those 2 HRs. Today he was 1 for 3 with another HR and SO so 5 SO in 11 ABs but 3 HRs for 6 RBIs and to his credit also 3 BBs. So SSS alert. I believe he is selling SOs for power which undercuts his batting eye and the bat to ball skills he was drafted for. My fear is, since we re-worked his swing to get to his power, he won't be that high average, OBP guy we drafted. I don't think he has "settled into" who he will be in MLB. I still think his 26.8% SO rate at AAA is evidence he hasn't found himself yet. IMHO they should put him in LF in AAA (mot CF) until he adjusts to the way the fly balls curve there vs CF and let him figure out who he is going to be as a hitter. I fear off speed and quality heat at MLB level will expose him badly. I don't want that.

    HK IMHO has similar bat to ball skills as CC but isn't interested in OBP (walks), he would prefer to put a bat on it and he likes his odds. Similar to Mountcastle in a way, but HK won't expand the strike zone. He was at 20.5% SO at AAA, which seems like a significant difference to CC. Folks knock HK's speed but Fangraphs and Savant have him equal or faster than Cowser. As RZNJ observed, he is putting good swings on balls that are hittable. HK's bat will play at MLB level now and his defense will be MLB average or better in RF. Stowers is a bigger threat to HK making the 26 roster. Both HK and CC could be "held back" for a few months to gain another year of control based on Stowers play now that he is healthy.

  10. 1 hour ago, Tony-OH said:

    Probably just to stick it to the Orioles for giving up the Farm for Cease. lol


    Nah, they probably figure they can include Burdick with Cease and that would get them Mayo over Kjerstad, plus several other throwins like Westburg and Beavers and Povich, 😂

  11. Wow, Cowser at 170 by Zips and unranked by Fangraphs. Kjerstad 86 by Zips but 24 by Fangraphs. Fabian above both. Then there is Ortiz unranked at either SS or 2B by Zips. That's a lot to chew on vs our general opinion of our prospects.

  12. 7 hours ago, Frobby said:

    I agree these numbers are the best we have.   I expect 2023 revenue was up considerably, with the 550 k increase in attendance as well as some playoff revenue.   

    Forbes’ payroll numbers are usually higher than what you see elsewhere, because they include health care and other benefits not included in the pure salary numbers.  For example, they report 2017 payroll at $183 mm whereas BB-ref has it at $161 mm.  So a “$150 mm payroll” for Forbes is probably more like $130 mm in total salaries.  

    You are correct and the delta between the "Salaries" column and the "Payroll" column reflect that. Most years it is about $20M but in 2019 and 2022 there were deltas of $42M and $38M respectively that have no explanation. I speculated the 2019 was a result of restructuring the Davis contract and needing to put money into an escrow account but have no idea what the 2022 increase was about.

  13. I don't think this will change anyone's mind but the Forbes data is all we really have to go on. The 2023 Revenue, Payroll, and Operating Income data are not out yet. What this tell me is that if you combine Payroll and Operating Income (profit) you arrive at about $150 M as the break even point, meaning zero profit. These umbers don't account for the MASN profit but that should be low due to increased rights fees. With increased Revenue from 2021 to 2022 the Payroll increased but the overall breakeven point remained largely the same.

    Year Revenue Salaries Payroll (incl Expenses) Revenue - Payrl/Exps Operating Income Operating Cost
    2014 245 110 122 123 31.4 91.6
    2015 239 118.9 137 102 8.8 93.2
    2016 253 147.7 162 91 -2.1 93.1
    2017 252 164.3 183 69 -26 95
    2018 251 143 161 90 -6.5 96.5
    2019 256 61.1 103 153 57 96
    2020 115 23.9 43 72 -23 95
    2021 251 45.7 66 185 83 102
    2022 264 44.88 83 181 67 114
    2023   71.06        
    • Upvote 2
  14. MIA needs offense at 1B and DH so O'Hearn could work, their OF has some guys for CF and 1 COF, nobody that hit very well last season but fairly young so Stowers makes some sense, and they have a rookie at SS who might benefit from Urias as a backup middle IF capable of playing all 3 positions. Probably too much for Scott so include Trevor Rogers and add Seth Johnson.

  15. I still believe there is a trade to be made with MIA using some combo of O'Hearn, Urias, Norby, Stowers. They have the need for 1B & DH and SS and COF. None of their OF hits much except Chisolm (CF, 761 OPS) and Sanchez (RF, 777 OPS). For SP they have Cabrera, Luzardo, Meyer (probable for start of season), Perez, and Garrett who went for 159 Inn /3.66 ERA last year. Then they have Weathers (57 inn) and Rookie Muoz on their 40-man. Alcantara back next year. They don't need Trevor Rogers who lost last year to a torn Lat on his non-pitching side. We could send 1 of Povich/Rogers/Armbrewster along with position players. We could expand to include 1 of our RPs that can't be optioned for T. Scott in a bigger package. It seems like both sides would win.

  16. The franchise’s owner had identified a corporate sponsor, and the two parties had reached an agreement. A press release had been drafted announcing the identity of the company that would replace the “Oriole” part of Oriole Park at Camden Yards, people familiar with the matter said. It was scheduled to be blasted out on Tuesday. 

    But it turns out that Angelos was also working on something else. It emerged last week that he is selling a controlling stake in the Orioles, the team his family has owned for three decades, to a group of investors led by local private-equity billionaire David Rubenstein. The company that thought it was about to plaster its name around Camden Yards didn’t know anything about a possible sale until learning about it in the initial news reports. 

    All relevant parties declined to name the company involved in the deal.

    The future of the Orioles’ naming-rights situation remains unclear, but the episode perfectly encapsulates the confounding saga that will almost certainly end with Rubenstein taking control of the organization. Even days before the sale was finalized, many stakeholders were kept in the dark by Angelos or only partially aware of the status of negotiations, including Major League Baseball and even government officials. 

    • Thanks 1
  17. 4 hours ago, Roll Tide said:

    Well maybe not …. How much money have they sucked out of th3 organization over the last 4 or 5 years? 

    What we can gather from Forbes is the total Operating Income (profit) for 2019 thru 2022 was $184M (including -$23M in 2020). We don't know the 2023 Revenue/Op Income numbers from Forbes yet. From 2021 to 2022 the average attendance rose by 7,374 per game and Revenue rose by $13M ($251 to $264M). From 2022 to 2023 the attendance rose by 6,368 so we should see a similar Revenue bump for 2023 against a $26M bump in Salaries ($45M to $71M).

  18. Hmmm, that's curious because there are 13 names outside of Angelos/Clancy and originally Pam had 2% and all the other owners had 1% so that totals 14% and Clancy had 24% leaving Angelos at 62%, a bit short of 70% the new group is buying. I remember PA bought out 1-2 of them when they encountered financial difficulties. Then Louis "implied" JA was using PA's funds to acquire additional shares. I suppose we will never know.

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