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Posts posted by AnythingO's

  1. For over 2 decades they were the best franchise in baseball and around the time it ended I think I remember that they had a winning record against NY as.a.franchise. Granted starting in 1954 helped alot with that.

  2. On 9/20/2019 at 5:40 PM, Can_of_corn said:

    Full control doesn't mean, has never meant, that the person in charge can spend whatever they like.  It means that they have control over how the budget is used, what procedures are in place and who the personnel are.

    CoC, you are not alome on this hill but I believe some allowance meeds to be made to.such a strict interpretation when that nonperforming asset represents over 25 percent of next year's budget. ME can churn the roster all he wants but he can't write off $23 M a year for 3 years w/o FO approval. I.one of the few that didn't want him signed and I won't follow any game when he in the lineup. I'm giving ME the offseason and ST, maybe until we get another year of Mountcastle, then.CD has to go. 


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  3. 2 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

    I think any billion dollar company has a couple on the payroll.

    I don't think the Os are any billion dollar company, they were basically inactive for years, Elias has been here what 9 months? Future, sure, I think ME will do.what he needs to be successful. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

    I think that if the Orioles owned MASN that all profits would be subject to revenue sharing.

    Oh no doubt considerations like that went into the Partnership setup, that is assuming my memory of Frobby,s research is accurate. I just wanted to dispel the idea that MASN profits go directly to the Orioles. If I remembered correctly, it's PA's decision either way as he would be majority owner in both Partnerships. But PA would have to choose to rob Peter to pay Paul.

  5. Thanks to Frobby for the math but I believe years ago Frobby also determined that the Orioles MLB franchise and the MASN operation were owned or at least managed by separate Partnerships, each owned largely by the Angelos family. The Orioles, if my memory is correct, do not own MASN and MASN profits do not accrue to the Orioles. PA would have to agree to spend those profits on the Orioles MLB franchise.

  6. 16 minutes ago, atomic said:

    Why do you dislike the Red Sox?  Their players seem pretty likable.

    Oh good Lord, I  can't believe you would post that here on an Orioles forum. It's  about their obnoxious, entitled bandwagon fans. Papa destroying phone in roid-rage, how good it felt when MAndino broke their hearts. Their pink and the green hats, their propensity to argue everything.  I actually  PREFER to sit next to a MFNY fan at OPACY, they usually understand the game and know the players. 

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  7. So, back on p1 I read Bleier jumped off the mound,  threw his arms in the air, almost rushed past Hyde to the point that Hyde had to reach for the ball. Maybe Florres said something about that disrespect before Bleier questioned positioning. That might elicit a response defending Hyde.

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  8. 17 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

    When guys are ready promote them.  If you are worried about service time extend them.

    With the new CBA looming I'm willing to bet that extending them is going to be a smarter move than trying to manipulate their service time by holding them back in the minors.

    Agree with this and I want to see Mountcastle here sooner than later. However, I want him to be wearing a glove when he comes and not learn to play LF in the Majors.

    That's the only reason I have for wanting him to stay in AAA.

  9. 3 hours ago, Can_of_corn said:
    Thankfully the Blue Jays gamed his service clock so they won't risk blowing a full year of service time.  ?


    CoC, I can't figure out what that emoji meams but "thankfully " and the BJs should never be used in the same sentence. Cito sucks and so do all of them.

  10. I have no illusions about scouting; but look at Zimmerman in the photo below and where his hand is. When I was at the recent OH game pitched by Bundy his hand dropped much lower before coming forward. All I could think of is that he was "reaching' for a little more. I thought that affected his "timing" relative to his lower body drive forward, basically making him do more with his weakened arm (shoulder). Am I COMPLETELY misinterpreting this?????

  11. True story, about 12 years after the Mayflower incident, I  relocated from Severna Park to Rolla Missouri on my own, literally Uhaul. About 2 years late I had to relocate from the mid-West to southern VA and the cheapest Company-sponsored option was Mayflower. I refused to use them and paid the difference out of pocket. I would do it a hundred times over and I hope Jim Ersay burns in eternal damnation!  rant over

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  12. As to pitching inside, when I look at the photos of Zimmerman and Kremer that appear with the Minor league summaries, every time I think "these guys aren't going to have any issue with pitching inside". There is an intensity in their eyes that reeks of confidence.

  13. Chris Davis just bought a permanent spot on the end of the bench if logic plays any part in the decision making.

    The Orioles need to see what Mancini looks like at 1B for the rest of the year.

    That has a bearing on what glove Mountcastle learns to use.

    He is described as athletic so maybe COF is a better spot but that depends on if they view Mancini as 1B next year




  14. 9 hours ago, wildcard said:

    Martin has not been one of the worst players in baseball.  He has been one of the worst hitters in baseball.  His defense  is good unless you want to believe some of the advance defensive metrics. 

    WC, Inn your response to Frobby, He was quoting you above. I believe you meant to put a question mark at the end of the first sentence as you were responding to another poster that had said Martin was one of the worst. At least that was what I thought you meant at the time.

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