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Everything posted by ExileAngelos

  1. OK let's just call it a mix up. It really did come out of left field when you said it so I am guessing it was directed at someone else. It's all good man. Go O's.
  2. Do you have me mixed up with someone dude? I never came at you at all. You came at me. Feel free to scroll back.
  3. With the dumb ghost runner rule I agree with you. Should have been the 10th inning.
  4. This is where we are with modern baseball. Hyde was just asked why Bautista didn't come back to pitch the 10th inning. One of the reasons he provided was he "didn't want to lose him for the series." Two innings of work and he has to be unavailable for two days. LOL
  5. Texting my O's friends and we were all immediately upset Bautista didn't come back out and knew the game was over when Bauman was in.
  6. And why exactly should I not be allowed on here? I gave my opinion that Bautista should have come out for the 10th and that we were being way too conservative with him. I would say the majority of people on here agree with this take. What is your problem?
  7. Way too conservative with his usage instead of going for the win. Completely uncalled for though. I gave my opinion internet jerk guy.
  8. Bautista stays in the game and we likely win in the bottom of the 10th. I am so sick of this "gotta be careful/keep him fresh/now he's available for tomorrow" garbage.
  9. Biggest reason was the ballpark. It was a cultural phenomenon in the 1990's, selling out each and every night. Not to mention the Nationals were still six years away from being in existence.
  10. What did the Vegas books offer for the cycle and inside the park home run parlay?
  11. For over a hundred years it would have simply been "how are you feeling Felix?" If he said he was fine he would close it out. We are much smarter today though, of course.
  12. I don't ever want to see Bauman on the mound again.
  13. Mateo should have gone for it with the two engagements
  14. Manny does not play for SD. His name shall not be mentioned.
  15. That is because babying pitchers has accelerated quite a bit since he retired. Making a big deal of throwing 3 days in a row is just one example.
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