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Posts posted by RShack

  1. When you IM someone who gave you neg rep for no reason and they ignore you.

    I don't care about the rep, but at least have the decency to respond.

    My favorite is when somebody does it, but has no way to contact him. There's one guy around here who hasn't posted in several years, and dings me from time to time. What's odd is that I can't tell why. Usually when somebody dings me, at least I know why. Sometimes I even agree with them. (Usually it's what seems like childlike retribution for disagreement, but not always. Sometimes somebody has a good point.) But when some phantom does it with no rhyme or reason to it, and I just wanna find out why, just out of curiosity, and there's no way to even ask, that seems kinda bizarre. At the very least, I think Those Who Ding should have to have PM's turned on. Otherwise, it's like a hit-and-run driver. (Not that dings are really hits, but you know what I mean.)

  2. When it's not warm enough to go barefoot, my bride wears socks around the house, not slippers.

    Lately, she's been wearing hilarious socks. One day, it's colorful ones with individual toes.

    The next day, it's socks with big gray and pink stripes and tassel-ball thingees that dangle from the top.

    She used to wear good-humored shoes, various kinds of red ones. These days, it's hilarious socks.

    She makes the most boring and ordinary things fun. Plus, she puts up with me. I'm very lucky.

  3. I am sorry:(

    That sounds scary:eektf:

    We got audited a couple years ago. It was a pain to get stuff ready, but the IRS guy was a decent person. Ours was more complicated because of the business. He said the way were doing things was reasonable. He found a couple little places where we weren't quite doing things exactly right, but he said it was understandable given the way the instructions were worded. It mainly involved moving a couple things from one place to another, and everything turned out the same in the end. While I'm not an IRS fan (nobody is), it left me with a more positive impression than I had had before. While it was a big annoyance, the IRS guy was completely fair and not a jerk. (Of course, we weren't up to any big tax-shenanigans either.)

  4. Hmmm. He was born 5/12/48, the song was released in November of '66. So it looks like we're all wrong, and he was actually 18. Also started Traffic the following year. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Winwood

    No argument on him being amazing, though. Now if he had just stopped making records after Traffic (and the one Blind Faith album)....

    My bad. He was 15 when their first record came out. But they were covering blues songs at first.

    Winwood didn't become a hit songwriter until *after* he was old enough to drive ;-)

    ps: After he left to form Traffic, one of the guys who was turned down as the keyboard/singer replacement for him was a kid named Reginald Dwight... later to be better known as Elton John.

    pps: Several years ago, my bride and I stayed at Rainbow Hill, which is Chris Blackwood's place in the mountains above Kingston. Winwood's platinum records were all over the wall in the conference room. When we checked into our little cottage, I scoped out the place to see if we needed anything. After a couple minutes, I picked up the phone and asked the nice lady if we could please have 1 lightbulb (to replace the burnt out one in the bedside lamp), 1 roll of toilet paper (as a spare) and, oh by the way, could some ganja please find me? The lightbulb and the TP didn't show up until very late the *next* day. In contrast, the weed (together with complimentary papers) arrived in 12 minutes ;-)

  5. I have no idea what you're talking about*, but Steve Winwood was the singer in Spencer Davis's group at the time they recorded "Gimme Some Lovin." And I think he was younger than that. 17, maybe?

    Try 15.

    An amazing guy.

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  6. I mean, what do they expect? It's software that matches a man up to a woman. This isn't that hard to understand, is it?

    That's like getting mad at carmax.com because they don't sell boats.

    So, wait just a minute... what exactly are you trying to say?

    That e-harmony sells women?

    Or that gay guys don't like to kick tires, they just float on the surface?

    Or what?


  7. I hope you're not implying the staff was 'watching the bikini account'. Before I did some random IP investigation yesterday, I never gave this user a second thought.

    I'm not implying anything, just goofing with you about it, that's all...

  8. This user was banned for trying to skirt the 500 post rule. I traced the user's IP to a new account's IP with basically the same email. That's a no-no. End of story. If this hadn't happen, you could all still be reveling in the bikiniarmstrong experience.

    And guys, you have to be internet savvy. Seriously.

    Now I'm not going to reveal any personal information. I will speak in generalities.

    I can find out a lot about a user. The IP is very handy. I can trace you to your job or hometown. If I can trace you to your job, this can very helpful. For example, if your IP resolved to something like houston.nasa - you work in Houston for Nasa. It's even more help when all of the IP's for a user resolve to the same host - as opposed to seeing a home IP, work IP, starbuck's IP, etc.

    Some jobs reveal more about a person than other jobs. And sometimes you hit a homerun, where you just can absolutely figure out what a person does and where they live. And all I'll say is, I'm not really certain the stuff in 'her' profile is legit. I may be wrong, but at the end of the day, it doesn't matter... This wasn't the first poster to be banned for trying to steal from us, and it won't be the last.

    So, if all the folks who were infatuated decided to chip in and buy bikini a membership, would you let bikini back in?

    Also, 'just curious: Did you think about letting the new-bikini account go on for a while, just for the entertainment value of seeing what would happen?

    I can't believe people were watching the bikini account to see who she was PM'ing.

    ps: I also can't believe you busted me for using b*tch as a synonym for complain, yet you let all the juicy jerk-off crap happen in the add-3-words thread ;-)

  9. Even worse advice is that anyone should buy a Hyundai in the first place.

    Not anymore. They've been making multi-generation quality improvements for each of the last couple generations.

    They're not quite Japanese yet, but they are closing very, very fast. Scary fast, actually.

    (Really. Honest.)

  10. F-R-E-E that spells free, credit report dot com ba-by.

    What I'd like to know is how a bad credit rating makes you get settle for a crappy job playing guitar in a touristy fish restaurant.

    If you didn't have a bad credit score, you'd have a better job? How does that work?

  11. Why did we buy a house without cental air? Why? Why? Do we secretly hate each other, and like watching our spouse suffer? Drag.

    Um, so you can get a new efficient one that will pay for itself in a few years compared to the old clunky one that might have come with the house?

    Or maybe because you want to start a box-fan collection?

    Or maybe because you like the Good Old Days?

  12. I just received notice that my college e-mail account will be shut down in a month. I graduated a year ago. This is going to be a pain. Would it really be too expensive to let alumni keep their e-mail accounts?

    Excellent point.

    IMO, you should send a letter to the Alumni Association. Not an email, but an actual letter, with a stamp and everything. Point out how this would be a good and cheap way to keep the college in touch with people, and vice versa.

    The college IT guys might complain, but they could work out some compromise (e.g., if somebody doesn't use it for a year and doesn't have it forwarded someplace, they can nuke it then).

    The Alumni Assoc people would love it, because it would make it easier for them to spam everybody about giving money.

  13. The best thing about TIVO is that I never watch commercials (except during ballgames, because I don't want to wait 'til they're over).

    The 30-sec skip button is worth it, all by itself. Not only do I not have to watch that junk, I can also watch 2 hours of stuff in less than 1.5 hours.

  14. Or go through the web dealers who generally offer Fair Market Value right out of the gate. I read the reason why somewhere, but they aren't governed by the same sort of motivations as the floor guys. When I bought my car it was no muss, no fuss.

    Or, you can just call a few dealers on the phone and ask for a salesman. Know exactly what truck you want, and tell 'em you're buying a truck this week, the only question is who you're buying it from. Tell 'em you're buying strictly on the basis of price, nothing else, just the out-the-door price including everything, that's all you care about. Ask 'em to call you back within an hour or so with their absolute best out-the-door price. Tell 'em you're buying from whichever guy calls back with the best deal. It's a low-hassle sale for somebody. Whoever does it will spend about 20 minutes to make a sale at a time when almost nobody is buying trucks.

  15. Everyone but me is a bad driver.

    If they drive slower, they're idiots.

    If they drive faster, they're maniacs.

    Basic law of nature...

  16. People clueless enough to drive the speed limit in the left lane are clueless enough to ignore signs telling them not to, but signs along highways that read "Slower Traffic Keep Right" might remind at least a handful of left lane slowpokes that they're in the way.

    I'm sure America's state highway administrations have a slew of very good reasons for why these don't exist.

    Lane discipline died when we had the stupid 55 mph national speed limit. Before that, people were pretty good about it. But then, we had some law-and-order types who liked to prove their point (they wanted everybody to conform to an especially stupid law) by getting in the fast lane and going 55. It's been all downhill ever since.

    In Germany, if you're in the slow lane on the autobahn and you run into the back of somebody, it's your fault, just like here. But if you're in the fast lane and run into the back of somebody, it's their fault for not getting the hell out of the way. (Really.) Also, if you get in the fast lane to pass somebody and then just stay in the fast lane without slower traffic being in the slow lane, they give you a ticket for it. They take lane discipline seriously (except on the clogged up parts of the autobahn).

    They also don't want you talking on the phone or drinking from your Big Gulp either. They treat driving like it's a serious job. The US marketing people had to beat the Mercedes and BMW engineers over the head to get them to put cupholders in their cars. For a few years, the engineers said whatever the German word is for "No way, forget it."

  17. RRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAGGGGHHH!! Playing Call of Duty 4 online, getting enough kills to get an airstrike or a helicopter and not being able to call it in cause someone reaches the kill count or time runs out :mad:

    Don't know much about games like that...but in terms of their psychological impact, they sound like Virtual Roids ;-)

  18. Chris, you're seriously in the minority. You're the only vegetarian I know who hasn't beat me over the head with reasons why my carnivourous lifestyle is dangerous/offensive/etc.

    I bet there's lots of vegetarians you don't know about, simply because they don't make a big deal about it. It's like anything else: it's the nuts who give the others a bad name.

    Can I ask why you're a vegetarian? How strict are you with it?

    I know a guy who does it simply for big-picture economic reasons. Nothing to do with diet or the ethics of eating dead critters. He does it 100% because it takes 700 calories of grain to grow 100 calories of dead critter. He figured that, with China and India and every place else joining the world, it was only a matter of time before the price of food started going through the roof, and that there's no point in making it worse. Then, when they passed the ethanol subsidies, he figured that just fast-tracked the cost-of-food problem in a way that would quickly trickle up through almost everything you eat or drink. Seems to be more-or-less what's happening. On the other hand, he pretty much lives on Indian food, which I think is fine to eat about once a month... or every other month... or every six months... or once a year... maybe...


    I know some folks from various parts of Europe who moved over here. I ask them what surprises them or seems different. I always get the same 2 answers:

    • Pro's: America is more-free, attitude wise. Back home, if they wanted to do something different based on their hopes-and-dreams, they got subtle responses along the lines of "Don't you know your place?" Over here, people can pretty much do what they want without people looking at them funny.
    • Con's: It's not the lower-taxes that strikes them, it's how little we get for the taxes we pay. They tell me that over there, everybody gets lots back, while over here it seems to them that we don't. Except for lots of roads.

    I don't like taxes either. Who likes taxes? Nobody, that's who.

    One thing I like worse than taxes is what happens when the gov't doesn't even bother do it's job right. They're supposed to be working for us, not for themselves or for somebody else, that was pretty much the whole idea of the U.S. to begin with.

  20. What?


    It only makes sense if you know computer-science ideas.

    (Except for the part about how he can't read what's right there on the assignment ;-)

  21. Holy crap! Not to jinx myself, but after a 35-minute sojourn in the washing machine and two days of looking like an expensive paperweight, my iPod seems to have resurrected itself! It's working perfectly except for an odd streak on the screen when the backlight is on. I'm in total shock. Looks like I may save myself $200. I'll have to use it more heavily tomorrow to see if problems pop up, but wow. I didn't even think it would ever turn on again after being underwater for that long. These things are built tough!

    Maybe it just needs a spin in the dryer...

  22. After writing it down all at once like that, I just realized that I am a terrible son.

    No, dude... you're not a terrible son.... you're a terrible big brother.

    You've got the poor kid so rattled, he can't even do math.

    And now you're gonna screw up his tennis too.

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