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Mizerooskie last won the day on April 12 2020

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About Mizerooskie

  • Birthday 02/17/1983

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    Alexandria, VA
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    Patent Examiner
  • Favorite Current Oriole
    Austin Hays
  • Favorite All Time Oriole
    Joe Orsulak

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  1. Operating under two assumptions here: 1 - that an extension wouldn't hinder any young hitter extension possibilities, via some internal Angelos cap, and 2 - that he'd accept a fair deal... I'd extend Flaherty. The July/August trend is extremely promising from a guy with his talent, and you'd have next year's rotation solidified.
  2. Sell Mancini, Odor, Lyles for farm system depth to replenish some of the package you put together for Soto . I'm only half-kidding...I think.
  3. '05. Got to see the Greene/Baker/Johnson team, so that was cool. Definitely rooting against Smith being taken!
  4. That would seem to indicate that Holliday really did end up atop their board for non-financial reasons.
  5. And that scenario would fall under the first option which was financial impact agnostic .
  6. If they took Holliday because they think he's the best prospect, or most likely to succeed based on observable ability, projection, and character - good pick. If they took him to save money when they have a pool that doesn't require it for later oversign - bad pick. Evaluating a pick based on internet scouts is silly, IMO.
  7. Sigh. You don't think a big market team would go over market value to pull him away from the O's in the offseason? I certainly do, which would mean signing him to a market rates wouldn't be done just as easily in the offseason.
  8. I'm quite sure Dan Duquette cares when they sign him. You think he wants his only opportunity to sign an OF upgrade to be during a competitive bidding process? Context is just as important for evaluating roster building as it is in evaluating statistics.
  9. OK. Even if you take that stance, if he signs during the negotiating window for market value, it can't be with another team. As I said before, that wouldn't have been possible without the trade.
  10. Because he likes his experience in Baltimore, or any of a myriad of other reasons? Again, there is a difference if he doesn't hit the market. There would be no competition they'd have to outbid. I don't get why in this situation, ignoring context is seen as the more accurate means of evaluation.
  11. This doesn't make much sense to me. If they sign him before he hits free agency, it's a direct result of the trade. If would have been impossible without the trade.
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