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Lucky Jim

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Everything posted by Lucky Jim

  1. I can't believe that I'm going to Yankee Stadium, on a late-August Friday, to watch the O's in a game with playoff implications.
  2. For the sake of comparison, he also used amped-up aluminum bats.* *Not saying that they have equal power, just that the context isn't reliable/telling.
  3. Maybe we're doing that Duquette, fewer-scouts-more-efficiency thing and just signed up for ESPN Insider rather than sending anyone on the road.
  4. And for this, I will always love baseball, George Plimpton, and the SI I knew as a 12 y.o. in 1985: http://splitsider.com/2012/03/the-curious-case-of-the-curious-case-of-sidd-finch/#more Happy early April Fool's Day.
  5. I don't know if it's stupid or not (though, ouch), I just don't understand what Reynolds has to do with Halloween and why he's hanging out, all non-interactive, in a black cubicle on a movie poster. If ever a thread should be in the Classic category, it's this one.
  6. <p><p><p>Thanks, Art. Much appreciated. Sorry I missed your show way back last year. Let me know if you get any others up here (def. a fan of contemporary painting).</p></p></p>

  7. Someone never learned the inherent conflict between fascism and Sovietism. Of course, that's not surprising, seeing as he never learned the difference between Jim Hunter and Jim Hunter.
  8. If we challenged you to have one informed opinion, could you come up with something? If we challenged you to write one post that contributed something - anything - to the board, could you survive that challenge? I'm curious. I think the odds are longer than Jim Palmer not mentioning 1966 in his next broadcast.
  9. Well, there's more information available at lower cost. That's undeniable. More games to watch. More finely tuned statistics. Progress involving biomechanics. All the tools to be more knowledgeable are there. The fans who don't take advantage of that may not be more knowledgeable. Those who do, however, should be.
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