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Posts posted by DREKTUNES

  1. Anybody ever see that Monty Python sketch where the comely lass beckons the mailman into a room suggestively, and locks him in, where he finds a room filled with mailmen, some who've obviously been there for ages?

    Yeah. That.

  2. I was suspicious when she invited me to North Carolina to hang out. And - just to be clear - a woman's interest in me does make me suspicious.

    Sadly, I thought it was my gender-based deconstruction of his/her screenname that ran her off. Now I find out s/he's just cheap.

    There was more conversation than I care to admit to about her/ him, and his/ her gender. And she/ he invited me too, so I'm beginning to think it was some kind of slave trade/ butcher deal. Because, even though I am married to a lovely girl, I am made even more suspicious by interest in me. Drag. Heh.

    Would love to know who "she" was, though....

    So say we all.

    • Upvote 1
  3. Meh...what are you gonna do? I'm referring to the kids sitting behind us when you came to say hello near the end of the game.

    I'm glad I didn't do anything to escalate the situation. I'm not always the best at shutting my mouth and walking away, but I'm glad I did last night.

    You did the right thing. Think of how traumatised the kids around you would've been if you had wailed on the guy? ;)

  4. Well now you're really going to kick yourself because 8 gigs are 179. 4 gigs are 149.

    (of course anyone purchasing electronics knows this sort of thing happens...comes with the territory)

    I was so close to buying a Shuffle, even though I have a Nano and an 80 gig iPod. Cuz they're neat. They have a figgin clip!

  5. Oooooh, well, then yes, I see how it would be phyrric victory. I wouldn't say you wasted that much time hounding me though.

    Well, it didn't feel like time wasted to me at all, which is really a sad reflection on how I spend my time.

    And that ice cream was so damn good. Even the thought of it makes my throat feel a little better (got a sore throat thing going on, hope it doesn't get passed on because then I'd feel really bad).

    You didn't lick anything in the house while I wasn't looking, did you?

    • Upvote 1
  6. How is this a phyrric victory for you? It's not like you have to change your name to The Sock.

    You know, if you don't get/ like the joke, fine. But why tromp on it? That's just mean.

    And it is a phyrric victory because I spent an inordinate amount of time hounding you to do it, when it's essentially meaningless. Sheesh. I let you in my house. You had homemade soy cream. I let you sit on my couch. You forced me to italisise the last word of each sentence.

    • Upvote 1
  7. Dear Drek Family-

    Sorry I'll be missing you this summer.


    High BGE Bills for June, July, August, and September

    You know, I think I'd go without a few meals to not feel positively cooked by my wooden house. It's like walking through a warm wet wool sweater all the time. Ewwwwwwww.

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