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Status Updates posted by LookinUp

  1. Saw your post about coaching. Love it. My son just finished 13u. Skipping 14u for 8th grade. He wants to go to a top private school here in MD so he's making a big jump in competition. I can't imagine facing several guys throwing 80 in 8th grade, but that's what he'll be doing. They're so much better today than we were back in the day when you didn't play year round.

    It's fun, but definitely wears you down (and I don't even coach).

    1. Jammer7


      That’s awesome! The kids are so much better now than when I played in the 80’s. We live in Florida, so it’s a year round sport for many. I have had my sons play other sports in the Fall until the big field. Long term, I want him to get back to taking some time off from baseball, and maybe just work out and throwing program. College coaches want multi sport athletes and less mileage on the arm. My little man is going into 7th grade, public school for now. He may end up playing on the 8th grade prep team if another team he is trying out for does not work out. 

      My older son played at The First Academy here in Orlando, a top private school. It is the way to go for education, IMO, but it isn’t cheap. Baseball wise, it was better in some ways. We got to play in the HSBI at Team USA complex in Cary, NC. There was better exposure at TFA.

      Best of luck to your son!

  2. FYI, on your Power Rankings list, you have Willems name without the s at the end. 

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