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Everything posted by Sanfran327

  1. Another strong finish under Buck. Think he knows how to manage a team and a bullpen? The man is a master at navigating the season.
  2. Good point and good question. I don't know.
  3. ERod won't do well in Fenway. A lefty without electric stuff isn't a good fit there. But we now have the ability to really shorten games. Matusz doesn't have to be the LHSU arm anymore. He's a pure LOOGY now. Miller and O'Day will go in and out of the 7th and 8th innings as the opposing lineup dictates. We might have 4 lefties in the bullpen, but one is the closer, and one is a long man, so I don't really count either. Mac is an extension of the starter more or less, and since we have 4 RH SPs, it's nice to be able to flip it around on a lineup that is probably stacked with LH hitters. It will be nearly impossible to beat OAK or DET at this point, but our lineup can hit, we can play great defense, and we can shorten games with a very good bullpen. We can be very pesky.
  4. Glad we won a game where JJ didn't have to come in and close it down. Now he's 100% fresh for the Toronto series.
  5. Yeah, but Verlander will forever be the winner in that relationship. He got to do fun things to er... with... Kate Upton, and she probably doesn't even know what a curveball is. From her perspective, there are a million Justin Verlanders, but from mine, there's only one Kate Upton.
  6. Is this Spiderman doing the Napoleon Dynamite? Outstanding.
  7. Congrats on a great end to the season!
  8. Is this from Saw VIII? Damn, that's creepy!
  9. <p><p><p>You da man, Bob.</p></p></p>

  10. <p><p><p>Holes! I need holes!</p></p></p>

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