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Posts posted by crowmst3k!

  1. 50 minutes ago, Camden_yardbird said:

    We are as close as the owners are willing to commit to...

    Agreed, and Elias needs to pitch some acquisitions. At some point, the Orioles need to look at their timeline for competing, and make some signings to complement the talent in the pipeline.  These don't have to be huge deals for 'premium talent', but the right players to fill some needs that the pipeline may miss will help shorten the timeline to competing.  

    MacPhail and Duquette made some good acquisitions in the years leading up to 2012. The trade for Reynolds, the trade for Hardy, the trade for Jason Hammel, signing Wei-Yin Chen. If Elias can do some of this effectively, it will help substantially. 

  2. All of the eggs are in the player development basket.  If the high-level guys in the minors hit their projections, then the Orioles should at least be competitive in 2023.  A lot of moves can happen, as well.  

    The 2009 and 2010 Orioles were pretty bad. The 2011 Orioles were still bad, but had several pieces added who would contribute, and in 2012 everything came together.  

    I see this current team as similar to the 2009 Orioles, but with a better farm system.

    • Upvote 1
  3. Oh, this is easily one of the worst Orioles teams I've ever seen, and I watched a lot from 2007-2011.  

    Outside of Mullins, Means, Mancini, there's very little at the major league level to be interested in.  


  4. I would love it if MLB was economically structured in a way that allowed fan favorites to play on one team for longer.  I'd love if MLB was economically structured in a way that teams would not need to tank for 5 years to get back being competitive.  

    I'd also want MLB to be economically structured so that the players get the money they deserve. There have been too many instances in history of wage theft by MLB owners.  

    It's a complex set of issues with complex causes.  

  5. The good thing about this team being this horrible is that vast majority of players who would be on a competitive team are not on the current MLB roster.  

    If the Orioles were this bad a year or 2 after the prospects hit the majors, then I'd be deflated. This current squad is just not talented, and that's ok. 

    • Upvote 1
  6. I went to the ballpark the other week. Masks were not enforced at all. I had mine on when I entered, but when I realized that no staff cared, I took it off.  

    I was glad to be back at the yard without wearing it. I've had to wear one for 50 hours a week, every week since the pandemic began. Being able to go to a ballgame, enjoy the evening, and not have to mask-up was really wonderful.  

    I couldn't be more grateful to the scientists and professionals who worked tirelessly getting these vaccines produced. The results are there in the metrics, and it feels great to be mostly back to normal activities like ballgames after an awful year prior. 

    • Upvote 1
  7. Harvey is doing exactly what the Orioles need him to do. For once, it seems like a 'Lightning in a bottle' pickup seems to be working out.  
    Still early, but he's been building over every start, and he looked very sharp vs the MFY.  Good peripherals, as well.  

    Would love to see Harvey get flipped for a long-term piece at the deadline. 


    On 4/14/2021 at 5:06 PM, Moshagge3 said:

    To not allow a purse in the park under the pretense of COVID safety is really lame and frankly, sexist, since it's going to be more of a burden on women.

    There's absolutely no reason that purses should be disallowed.  This is not a surface-contact virus. It's aerosolized. It doesn't make any sense. That's the definition of safety theater.  

  9. I'm all about waiting for a few rotation turns to begin conclusions. 

    That said: Starting pitching is 17 and change pitched for 5 runs thus far.  That's respectable. 

    Harvey had some things not go his way, but his stuff has looked better than it has in seasons.  

    Means is great.  

    Bruce's stuff passed the eye test, and only one walk issued was good.  

    I'm not looking for the O's to compete this year, but strong steps in the right direction would be fantastic.



    • Upvote 1
  10. Interested to see what they eventually land on as far as capacity goes.  

    If Baltimore keeps capacity lower than the state guidance (say...25%), my guess is that they would only open the lower bowl for opening day.  It's a lot of extra labour and support needed for the entire stadium.  

    It would be really cool if they could get an exemption to go over the capacity limit for vaccinated front-line medical workers in the club level. Even cooler if the club distributed blocks of those tickets to local hospitals. Those folks have earned a day at the ballpark.  

    • Thanks 1
  11. Idiotic fools who think the middle of a grocery store isle is the ideal place to get caught up with each other.

    This. Holy heck.

    Sent from my SPH-M950 using Tapatalk 2

  12. I've been putting on the brakes when I've been drinking. I get to a point just beyond buzzed and switch to water. I hate wasting my days off feeling hung over.

    It's been working to good effect. No regretful decisions, no horrible headaches. I've been staying inside and playing videogames, so I haven't had the opportunity to go out and embarrass myself either. I like this new paradigm of moderation.

    Sent from my SPH-M950 using Tapatalk 2

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