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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. Saw this article: http://www.talkingchop.com/2017/6/7/15751688/nick-markakis-atlanta-braves-power-surge-hitting Looks like Nick has fallen on hard times.
  2. Just goes to show, once again, that a no hitter on the resume doesn't mean you are a good pitcher.
  3. Which would be why the reporter should bring up the fact that it is a worsening of an issue he had last season. Although to be honest I don't know if it was a problem during the whole of last season or if he periods where it was more or less pronounced. My untrustworthy memory says the former.
  4. Don't disagree. Just think that you should talk about when the trend started. Davis tried to play it off as it if were a temporary thing.
  5. Nice that they asked I just wish they had pointed out that this is a trend that started last year.
  6. http://www.mlbdailydish.com/2017/5/29/15709800/royals-danny-duffy-injury Duffy. Oblique. Six-eight weeks.
  7. Was the problem they didn't cover the base or that Manny forgot which play was being run?
  8. Chapman can't come close to holding his velocity as a starter. No idea if Scott can.
  9. Just pointing out that he hasn't exactly been clearing the table.
  10. That would explain why his last seven home runs have been solo shots. Oh wait...
  11. I agree he has done very well recently. Do you agree that the O's could use an impact arm in the pen? Do you agree that the odds of a two pitch guy transitioning from the pen to a starting gig are slim?
  12. This year's bullpen could use a LH that can hit 100. If he won't walk the team to death I think they should use him.
  13. FB/Slider/Splitter (Brooks says FB/Slider/Sinker) And Walter Johnson was a FB/Curve guy. Are you honestly comparing Tanner Scott to a hall of famer?
  14. If he can keep the walks under control call him up and stick him in the pen. He hasn't developed a third pitch when I wasn't looking has he? Still fastball/Slider? That won't play as a starter.
  15. I'm all for walks, walks are great. But, for what he is making he needs to do some more damage to go along with those walks.
  16. I didn't do the work and I don't think Drungo did either. So the concept doesn't belong to either one of us.
  17. http://www.baseballprospectus.com/article.php?articleid=19409
  18. He did. We knew at the time it was a very bad trade. We won't know if it was historically bad for a few years.
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