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Can_of_corn last won the day on July 24

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About Can_of_corn

  • Birthday 03/18/1972

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  1. Not sure, I was brewing some tea.
  2. 31, so basically one guy per team.
  3. Care to guess how many qualified hitters are hitting 300 or above?
  4. Overall the results, over time, are superior for balls with a higher exit velocity.
  5. I was about to make a joke and changed my mind.
  6. I would think that speed grades would be the most accurate evaluation. I've got a report on Westburg in front of me that lists him as a 50 runner. That same source had Henderson as a 55 runner. Statcast has Westburg as being faster. I'm going to wait until I can see him play more often and Statcast has more data before developing an opinion. I do think he should have been playing more in RF.
  7. I didn't want to say he wasn't athletic, he's a professional baseball player, he's way more athletic than I am. Is he athletic compared to other position players at the ML level? I've not heard that he is. What I have heard positive about him athletically is that he's got a great arm. That's it.
  8. I love how you say it takes time to develop the relationships and then you name drop Basallo who was linked to the Yankees before signing with the Orioles.
  9. Because he'd shatter into a 1,000 pieces if he attempted it?
  10. Is he athletic compared to his peers?
  11. Did he get a bag of honey roasted peanuts?
  12. I'd guess no, but that's just a guess.
  13. Rosters are expanding, not as if calling him up is sending someone else down. Gives him a chance to work with the ML coaches and further acclimate to the majors.
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