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Everything posted by O-The-Memories

  1. That's why people don't want Davis to bunt.
  2. I'll root for the guy, but sadly Bundy is another disappointing result from Orioles prospects. His upside isn't much more than a 4.50 ERA.
  3. It's been two games, but I understand the frustration. Trying to bunt, even if unsuccessful, would signal that he is at least trying different. At this point, I don't think there's much he can do to even be a replacement level player.
  4. Just heard that Harvey isn't close to coming back yet, that sucks. Hasn't even started throwing at all, and has soreness behind the elbow. Not a good sign in my opinion. I was really looking forward to seeing him.
  5. Will be interesting to see who pitches the 8th.
  6. Need those runs back! Bleier and Givens are really the closest things we have to reliable BP guys, so the later innings may be a consistent struggle.
  7. Castro is one of the guys we need to give a lot of looks. He at least has the talent to be a success, and he's only 24-25 years old.
  8. Man, our defense is atrocious.
  9. Come on Fry. Stupid play for Verdugo, but we don't have decent arms at all in the OF.
  10. Do you let Cobb pitch six innings in his first start back? His pitch count is low, and our bullpen isn't great. I think I would put him back out there, but it's a tough decision. Either way, it's a super encouraging start.
  11. Can we please get a decent catcher defensively? That's at least three bad plays in two games by Severino. The MLB audio announcers are giving him a beating too.
  12. JBJ still good with the glove. I know he's been on a decline, but he's a fun player to watch.
  13. If Cobb and Means can be anywhere between 3.50-4,25 ERA guys that would help us a lot. I really hope the Harvey and Means injuries aren't season ending, but I'm very concerned with Harvey especially.
  14. You simply can't let that happen. Two hits or not, I would pull him from the game.
  15. Man, what a difference a day makes!
  16. I have confidence we will do better than yesterday, ha ha.
  17. Nice! I have some hope that Ruiz will be a serviceable third baseman. Something like a .725-.750 OPS with average defense. I'm glad we are giving him a shot.
  18. The guy on MLB radio is talking about how Eovaldi grunts a lot, and related that to his hometown, which just so happens to be the same hometown as Nolan Ryan, Wouldn't you know that Nolan Ryan was also a grunter according to the broadcasters? I'm not sure anything is going right tonight.
  19. You know fellas, in such crazy world circumstances, don't you take some comfort in knowing that there are some things that never change? The Orioles being the overlooked caboose of the MLB train is something we can depend on as a constant and steady source of solace. No matter how turbulent things are, I can always check the standings and find the Orioles as the firm foundation of the AL East. Some people call it "last place", but I I prefer the foundation analogy.
  20. That's a true fan right there! The Orioles were due. Hey at least you didn't bet against the Globetrotters.
  21. Severino is having an awful game behind the plate.
  22. OK, we need to pull Lakins too. Confidence is big with guys that don't have much experience like Carroll and Lakins. Leaving them in to get destroyed is not a good idea in my opinion.
  23. It's good to be able to evaluate guys like Lakins and Carroll, but I wish the evaluation would be better tonight,
  24. That's not a good way to endear yourself to a manager. I'm beginning to think we didn't pick up any real prospects with the trades of Machado, Britton, etc.
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