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Everything posted by tntoriole

  1. Adley with the 2 out meaningless homer. Chris Davis was the king of the useless homer.
  2. Pretty miniscule even right now .. the chasing team can’t just split and hope others do the lifting. But the bigger problems are the team offense is stuck in zero land and the starting pitching depth is nonexistent.
  3. Pretty useless adding the 2 runs .. somehow seems to soften the true horror show offensively this team has been in last 3 games
  4. Very frustrating to get to this point in the season.. and see guys like Bauman, Hall, Zimmermann as who we have to go to today.. Really bad timing, bad luck and poor planning … hopefully if they are in this position next season they will have the players on the field who you want out there.
  5. I would be happy to just have the second as the first is likely going to not be the route taken.
  6. Even a guy like Berrios is being effective against us.. we have just picked a bad time to go cold offensively.
  7. Just bad luck then I guess .. que sera sera. Does a 21 year old playing out of position in the most crucial game of the season get anxious at all? Maybe not. Is it fatigue with the reliever or maybe gripping that ball a little tighter being in a pressure filled situation knowing how critical any mistakes might be? Again I don’t know.. maybe the pressure doesn’t affect how they play and it is just the way the ball bounces and Lyles being sick as a bad break etc. If pressure affects anything it has certainly not seemed to affect the Blue Jays as of yet.
  8. Radio announcers talking about “all the pressure on the Jays” … oh yes, that may have been true a month ago but you know what.. expectations have changed and the Os are the ones playing tight.
  9. Maybe worst game the Orioles have played since April .. except for Santander , they were terrible in every facet ..and worst management decisions of the year imho
  10. Taking him out there is just a crap bs decision .. maybe getting clobbered will light a fire under him at Norfolk next year
  11. It is a little hard to understand we have completely green rookies starting AND finishing the most important game of the season. The being tired argument is getting a bit damn old.
  12. I was just going to say I am sure there is a reason we have DL Hall pitching in one of the most important ninth innings of the season..ok there you go
  13. On Gameday that 8th pitch was nearly off the entire screen.. did it kill the Bird?
  14. This game is now filled with a panoply of what ifs, almosts, could have beens, another inch this way , etc .
  15. Yeah.. we have pretty much reached the limits of our overachieving. It is like Wiley Coyote running off the cliff and he goes on just fine for awhile, then looks down.
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