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Il BuonO

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Everything posted by Il BuonO

  1. Nice play to make it close!
  2. Lakins showing decent command.
  3. I can go there, too! Bourbon night. Saw that MLB ad for Evan Williams and thought I’d wet the whistle....H Clark Distillery, Nashville, TN.
  4. First pitch.....Not. A. Strike.
  5. .... drinking a crisp, clean Hefe.
  6. Y’all get Live Oak out there?
  7. Out after 50 pitches? Baby him....
  8. Dang, Ruiz crushed that HR. Nice to see him hitting, looks more comfortable up there.
  9. I don’t mind that bunt attempt by Alberto. He puts it in a spot where it’s sure to be a hit. And he’s good enough to come back and still get a hit.
  10. That was there if it was fair.
  11. Obviously didn’t hurt his bat speed.
  12. Hey JA! We have this guy who punishes lefties.
  13. Fans are into it, even with a five run deficit!
  14. Pretty sure Means is throwing the pitches. And Means is a little “in love” with his CH, although, that was a good pitch for him last year.
  15. Means looks like the LH version of Steve Johnson. Better command, but he nibbles. And his FB, even with the better velocity, is straight.
  16. See, don’t get that. He throws a FB by him and comes back with a CH? Dumb
  17. Wow, Voit looks noticeably smaller.
  18. Tough when the other team pounds weak offerings for HRs.
  19. Eh, because he wasn’t bunting most of the time?
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