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Il BuonO

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Everything posted by Il BuonO

  1. The quoted post was in reference to Severino, but ok.
  2. So, I guess the question is who’s pitching the 9th if Givens is in now?
  3. What I was thinking. Probably matching up Bleier.
  4. Bleier! Can he get back to some semblance of reliability? Yeah, yeah, I know. He had a decent second half last year. Decent.
  5. And that’s why. At least no DP.
  6. That was the best I’ve seen Castro in quite some time.
  7. I’m a glass half full kinda guy. But to your point, Cobb pitching like he did today will get him a lot of looks and hopefully the Orioles something of value.
  8. Yeah, didn’t get it in.
  9. “That right there will hurt your feelings.” -BM
  10. Yes. No one warming in the pen.
  11. Cobb dealing! Like I said from the start. 3-0 on JD and storms back!
  12. This umpire hasn’t made it easy on Cobb.
  13. Man, he looks good through 4IP. No help from the umpire either.
  14. That’s why I still think JBJ is the best out there. Made up a lot of ground with his stride and then dives to make the catch, not just look pretty.
  15. Yes, you’re eligible for free baseball.
  16. Come on, pal. Don’t think small. All the way!
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