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Il BuonO

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Everything posted by Il BuonO

  1. Calm down. I’ve hardly been ranting. I gave you a detailed explanation and you still don’t get it. So be it.
  2. Ok, better than I expected. His line doesn’t reflect how well he pitched.
  3. One? Lol, ok. He got one down, so end the experiment? Look, he should have been working on it so it was in his tool bag. Much like his failure to make adjustments in his approach I don’t think he’s worked at it enough. It’s not so hard that he couldn’t make minimal improvements where there would be benefits. Davis claimed he had worked hard trying things the off-season before last, remember?
  4. Over powered there. Good location though.
  5. I disagree, he didn’t. He’s not good at bunting.
  6. DJ needs to advance the runner.... get your pitch.
  7. I remember that discussion. I tried to tell people Scott was going to get a wide berth. Velocity covers a multitude of sins.
  8. Yes. I didn’t ever see him place the ball well. If the left side is cleared out it should be pretty easy.
  9. Yeah, he can pick it. Didn’t like the pick.
  10. Davis trying to include bad base running to the fact he can’t hit.
  11. I’m feeling insurance runs coming.
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