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Everything posted by Uli2001

  1. I t You just described me playing B league softball. Ha. I think JH may be ill. Could he have the flu or something?
  2. Orioles pitching got exposed. They do not have enough starting pitching or middle relief. And it's better not to count on Means, he's always injured.
  3. Whoa, I do remember when people were dangling Cowser as trade bait on this board. I have receipts.
  4. Belgian beer is the best.
  5. I swear I was about to post that we needed a tater special!
  6. Angelos had the top payroll in 1997, if I am not mistaken (the NYY weren't yet this joke they have become). It can be done, not the top payroll, but near the top. The Orioles have a lot of fans, who will come back if they start winning consistently.
  7. To me, SP and hitting will be stellar, just give them time. These starters and hitters have a track record. What will hold the Orioles down again is the bullpen. It doesn't matter how good they look now. They also have a track record.
  8. The money is not mine, it's the new ownership's. But if they are serious about putting a winning team (back) in Baltimore, at some point they are going to have to spend.
  9. This could be a sophomore-curse type season where the team doesn't look as good as last year. But this team will be good going forward, I think that's nearly guaranteed.
  10. It's nine games... You are ready to blow out the offense and crown the bullpen after nine games. I know what both are capable of over a long season, because I have seen it in 2023. And it will be the same this year, because the players are the same.
  11. I think the bats are what we thought. Bullpen will ruin the season/postseason/our BP once again if nothing's done.
  12. Just give it time.
  13. Maybe I'm indeed overreacting about the offense. They were good last year and will be good again this year. What won't change is the bullpen sucking. They sucked last year without Batista (even with him) and they will continue to suck. It was the achilles hill last year, and nothing was done to fix it, apparently.
  14. I said that a few days ago and I was told I was overreacting.
  15. Don't worry everyone, that 2030 team will be smoking.
  16. O's about to drop two close and late games in a row. Yesterday it would have been a steal but today they should have won. You need to come out at least 1-1.
  17. Pitchers who an field their position are rare and becoming rarer.
  18. So it appears that the book is out. They threw him nothing but high fastballs in this at-bat.
  19. What a horrible start for Henderson.
  20. I would like to enjoy just about the only place left where politics does not intrude.
  21. Let's stick with baseball. We don't need these kind of "jokes" here.
  22. They had 3 runs (in one inning) through 7 innings. Sure, not lifeless, but not great either.
  23. Get out of here. This is the Orioles forum. Go to X/Twitter.
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